The Community of Madrid will maintain until the end of the year the reduction of the transport pass up to 60%, a measure that initially expired on June 30.

This was announced by the candidate for the Presidency of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, in her speech at the first plenary session for the investiture debate that the Madrid Assembly is hosting this Wednesday.

“I announce that we are going to extend this reduction of 60% in the price of monthly public transport tickets and 50% of multi-trip tickets until the end of the year, thus benefiting 7 million Madrid users, who will save 30 million euros per month “, has launched the acting president, who has also announced that the single Metro ticket will cost 1.5 euros regardless of the number of stations to be traveled.

With the extension of these deductions, the 30-day Youth Pass will continue to have a price of 8 euros; Normal A will be 21.80; 25.40 for trips in zone B1; 28.80 in the case of B2 users, and 32.80 euros for those traveling in B3-C1/C2. For their part, 10-journey tickets for the Metro, Light Rail and EMT remain at 8.5 euros as long as they are used within zone A.

He has also insisted on his campaign announcement to simplify the map of the region into two single tariff crowns, A in the capital and B1, which will now bring together B2, B3, C1 and C2.

With this measure, he estimates that up to 180 euros per year will be saved for residents of towns such as El Atazar, Bustarviejo, Cercedilla or Colmenar de Oreja. Free public transport for people with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 65% will also be applied.


On September 1, 2022, the reduction with which the central Executive intended to alleviate the effects of the economic crisis began. Initially it was a 30% decrease subsidized from the State that was finally extended by 20% more by investing the money that the Community stopped paying for free rail.

Before the end of the year, the central government approved an extension of the 30% discount for public transport in autonomous communities for the first half of 2023, only for those autonomous communities that commit to extending the discount to 50% of the price.

Given this, in the last regional Government Council of the year, the Executive of Isabel Díaz Ayuso agreed to maintain the 50% discount on the public transport subscription, which the central Executive has requested, in January and increase it to 60% from February.

On June 12, when asked if this measure would be extended, Ayuso indicated that she was waiting for the central government to make the decision. “We will make a decision about the price of transport when the Government does, taking into account that this was a matter of two,” she summarized then.