Mahou San Miguel has appointed Eduardo Martínez Corveira director of the Spanish beer supply chain, according to information in a statement.

The brewery has indicated that this appointment reinforces its commitment to become a strategic partner for all agents in the supply chain, with excellence and sustainability as key axes of its roadmap and with the aim of continuing to promote the level of service to your customers.

Thus, as Mahou San Miguel’s supply chain director, Martínez Corveira will be responsible for developing the firm’s current supply chain model, ensuring product availability on the market at all times and evolving towards a standard of operations even “more agile, flexible and collaborative and transparent” with customers.

Likewise, it will assume the challenge of guaranteeing cost efficiency throughout the entire chain, through the optimization, standardization and subsequent digitization of production and transactional processes in an increasingly demanding and volatile environment.

Martínez Corveira has a long career in the logistics sector. After 14 years at Danone, the last two as ‘head of supply chain planning Iberia’, he joined the team of the multinational chocolate company Natra in 2019 as corporate director of ‘supply chain’, a position he held until his incorporation into Mahou San Miguel.