Men Took Their Century-Old Ford Model T to a Ford Dealership, and Here’s What Happened

What happens when you take a Ford Model T, a vehicle from 109 years ago, to a modern Ford dealership? It may sound like an unconventional idea, but that’s exactly what two men did recently, and the experience was nothing short of an adventure.

The two men, known for their YouTube channel TFLclassics, decided to take their beloved Model T for servicing at a dealership in Brighton, United Kingdom. Despite being enthusiasts of classic cars, the journey was not without its challenges.

The century-old car had its fair share of issues, including heating problems that caused the radiator to overheat, bringing the car to a halt. However, with some pre-drive service and manual adjustments, the duo managed to make the 45-minute drive to the dealership.

Upon arrival, it became apparent that the mechanics at the dealership had never laid hands on a car as old as the Model T. Nevertheless, one mechanic named Ray, who had never worked on a vehicle dating back to the 1960s, eagerly took on the challenge.

After hours of servicing, the men were thrilled to find that their classic car had been revitalized. With a newfound sense of pride, they drove off with a fully serviced Model T, complete with recommendations for new tires and a windshield replacement.

In an age dominated by high-performance vehicles, witnessing the dedication of car enthusiasts towards a historic automobile like the Ford Model T is a refreshing sight. It goes to show that passion for classic cars transcends the boundaries of time and technology.