It specifies that the pact with Junts reinforces that companies locate their registered office where their main activity is.


The first vice president of the Government and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, explained this Thursday that, as agreed with Junts to save the anti-crisis decree, the Executive will no longer condition its 30% subsidy for public transport on the autonomous communities contributing another 20%.

“What we have agreed with Junts is that the part that we are going to finance of transportation that is not the responsibility of the State, which is metro transportation, bus transportation, let’s say, municipal transportation, is not conditional,” Montero said in statements to the press upon arrival at a breakfast with the third vice president, Teresa Ribera, organized by Nueva Economía Fórum.

In this way, the vice president specified, regardless of whether the autonomous communities propose this transport bonus or not, the Government will subsidize 30%.

“But I am convinced that the autonomous communities will voluntarily contribute 20% so that the bus ticket is worth half and, therefore, we continue to combat the effects of inflation fundamentally on the domestic economy and on workers,” she said. Montero added.

The Minister of Finance has highlighted that the public transport bonus is a “progressive” measure, as it allows, above all, those who travel by this means to have greater economic capacity, while promoting the use of public transport in detriment of the private vehicle.

Montero has also taken the opportunity to ask that public transport advance “in quality and punctuality” so that the middle class “can have a guarantee that if they take public transport, they arrive at work on time.”

Regarding the modification of the Capital Companies Law, another of the points of the agreement with Junts, Montero has stressed that the community right of companies to their free establishment “is very clear” and that the Government of Spain “cannot put no type of obstacle to companies settling where they consider convenient.

What the agreement with Junts does, Montero explained, is “reinforce current legality” so that “fiscal engineering does not occur”, so that companies cannot locate their registered office in a location other than the one declared for their main activity. .

“It is reinforced that we monitor and be attentive to the fact that when the main establishment of a company resides in a place, that is where it has to carry out all its obligations, including tax obligations. But obviously the free establishment of companies It is a reality of our community law and will continue to be so,” he concluded.