More than 95% of the participants in a relocation plan got a job during the first year, according to a report on ‘outplacement’ prepared by LHH, a company belonging to the Adecco group, based on the study of the more than 4,000 candidates it served during 2022 .

Specifically, 65% of the participants in these programs found a job in less than six months and 30% found it between the seventh and eleventh month.

Among those who found a new professional project, 14% started an activity on their own account and 86% did so on behalf of another. Of the latter, 77% achieved a long-term or permanent contract and 59% improved or maintained their salary.

Companies that use employment regulation files (ERE) that involve the collective dismissal of 50 or more employees are required by law to hire external relocation programs.

These programs are support processes, whose main objective is to promote the improvement of employability and generate new job opportunities for workers who are laid off in the shortest possible time.

According to this report, during 2022 men and women participated equally in outplacement programs, with the average age of starting the program being 47 years.

More than half of the participants in relocation plans came from banks (55%), followed, by far, by the ‘retail’ sector, with 8%, and the automotive and transport sector (7%).

The banking sector has also been where the most unemployed people have relocated, since 16% of the participants in the relocation programs are working in banking and finance, the same sector from which they came. It is followed by the area of ​​industrial manufacturing and services, where 14% have been relocated, and automotive and transport (12%).

By autonomous communities, Madrid overtook Catalonia as the region in which the greatest number of outplacement programs were carried out, with 34% of the candidates, compared to 28% for Catalonia.

However, it was this last region that managed to relocate more candidates from these programs, since 42% of the new hires are working in Catalonia, while 32% are located in the Community of Madrid.