France on Monday accused Russia of “appalling violations of humanitarian law in Ukraine” after the deadly strike against a shopping center in the center of the country, and said that Moscow should “answer for its actions”.

• Read also: [PHOTOS] Ukraine: 16 dead in a Russian strike on a shopping center, “war crime” for the G7

“France condemns the Russian missile launch which hit a supermarket in Kremenchuk in Ukraine and which killed ten people and injured several dozen,” according to a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“By indiscriminately bombing civilians and civilian infrastructure throughout Ukraine, Russia is continuing its appalling violations of international humanitarian law,” he added.

“Russia will have to answer for its actions. France supports the fight against impunity in Ukraine”, continues the Quai d’Orsay.

At least 13 people were killed and more than 40 others injured on Monday in a Russian missile strike that burned down a “busy” shopping mall in Kremenchuk, central Ukraine.

The strike came on the second day of a G7 major powers summit in the Bavarian Alps, southern Germany, largely devoted to the war in Ukraine.