The quest for cheaper rent and job transfers are the two main reasons that would motivate Quebecers to move this summer, according to a HelloSafe survey.

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Thus, 38.4% of respondents leave their apartment in order to find less expensive housing and 26.5% do so because of a change of location imposed by the employer.

Others, up to 18.1%, move to live in another neighborhood.

Moving Day, a bad time to move

In addition, a third of respondents reported not wanting to move on July 1 because of “prices that were too high that day”, referring to the rates charged by movers.

On the other hand, only 16.5% of those questioned fear the road congestion on July 1st.

While 40.2% of respondents say they do not give importance to the prices of moving services, 38.4% of respondents would not be willing to pay more than $100 per hour when moving.

The survey was conducted with 448 participants between May 1 and May 31, 2022, inclusive. “In order to guarantee the most precise results possible, our data analysts relied on a representative probability sample of the Quebec population to conduct this survey”, is it detailed on the Hellosafe site.