Twitter’s business is practically at breakeven (‘break even’) after the majority of advertisers who had left the platform have returned to the social network, which after the purchase by tycoon Elon Musk has decreased its almost 80% of the workforce, according to what the businessman said during an interview with the BBC.

In this sense, Musk acknowledged that it had not been easy to undertake an adjustment of this caliber in the Twitter workforce, which currently numbers around 1,500 employees, compared to just under 8,000 at the time of the acquisition, at the end of October of the year. past.

The businessman admitted that the departure of many of Twitter’s engineers since his arrival raised concerns about the stability of the platform and acknowledged some failures during the process, including service interruptions, although he stressed that these problems had not lasted long and currently the site works fine.

As for Twitter’s finances, Musk said the company is now “more or less break even” as most of its advertisers have returned. “Almost all have returned or said they would return,” he said.