The company’s meeting, which is held this Friday, will address the re-election of José Antonio Fernández Gallar as executive director


OHLA has set itself objectives for this year to achieve sales of at least 3,500 million euros, a gross operating result (Ebitda) of around 125 million euros and a contracting figure that reaches at least 3,600 millions of euros.

This is stated in the presentation that the company will present today at its shareholders’ meeting and that it has sent to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).

OHLA comes to this meeting exceeding the goals it set for 2022 in sales, Ebitda and contracting after having achieved a turnover of 3,260 million euros last year, above the target of at least 3,000 million; an Ebitda of 114 million euros (compared to the 110 million target) and a volume of contracts amounting to 4,274 million euros, exceeding the initial goal of achieving a minimum contracting rate of 3,500 million euros.

OHLA’s general shareholders’ meeting to be held this Friday will ratify the re-election of José Antonio Fernández Gallar as executive director and the entry of a new independent director, Ximena Caraza Campos, to fill the vacancy of the proprietary Juan Villar Mir de Fuentes after expiring his mandate, which means the departure of the Villar Mir family from the company.

Specifically, it will be proposed to the shareholders’ meeting to fill his vacancy with the appointment of Caraza Campos, independent director of the Realia board of directors, president of the CNR and member of the Audit Committee of this company.

Caraza makes this position compatible with the general direction of Casa de México in Spain. Villar Mir leaves OHLA definitively with the sale of 23.5 million euros in shares.

Apart from this appointment, the shareholders’ meeting will vote on the re-election of the independent directors Carmen de Andrés Conde, Cesar Cañedo-Argüelles Torrejón and Reyes Calderón, according to the agenda that the company sent to the National Commission for Stock Market (CNMV).

Likewise, the re-election of José Antonio Fernández Gallar as executive director will also be voted on. In the event of being re-elected by the general shareholders’ meeting, he would also renew his position as CEO for a period of four more years. The board of directors appointed Fernández Gallar as CEO of the company on June 28, 2018.

Following these changes, OHLA’s highest governing body would be made up of ten members.

Thus, in line with the recommendations of Good Governance, the board would be made up of six independent directors, three proprietary directors and one executive director.

With the appointment of Caraza as a new independent, the company works in line with the recommendations of Good Governance in terms of diversity policy applied in the board of directors and reaches 30% of its representation, as reported to Europa Press by sources from the company, which ensure that the firm will continue working in this line.

Shareholders will also address the statement of non-financial information that is part of the consolidated management report for the 2022 financial year, the proposal for the application of the result for the 2022 financial year and the modification of the remuneration policy for directors, among other points.