The Chaudière-Appalaches Care Professionals Union deplores their working conditions, denouncing a broken bond of trust with the employer.

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“The confidence in your ability and that of the organization to solve the problems of our members is no longer there. Several members report to us daily abuse of power, more than questionable management choices, favoritism and intimidation”, can we in a letter sent on July 27 to the CISSS de Chaudière-Appalaches.

Spokespersons for the union even spoke of reducing services in the network, reluctantly, to make their voices heard.

“We are there with the cuts of service. We have to put our foot down. And that we do it to give respite to the people who carry the health network (…). There is nothing being done. Will someone at some point put on their panties and who will take action?”, said Patricia Pouliot, spokesperson for the Union of Care Professionals of Chaudière-Appalaches, in an interview with TVA Nouvelles.

In the region, the emergencies are overwhelmed, as this table shows.

According to Ms. Pouliot, Premier François Legault and Minister of Health and Social Services Christian Dubé are only busy with the elections scheduled for this fall.

“We are not heard, we are not listened to. Nothing is proven. Currently, the priority for Mr. Dubé and for Premier Legault is to find candidates for the elections. It’s just his priority. To take care of the healthcare professionals who have been there since the start of the pandemic is really the least of her worries,” she denounced.

Saturday afternoon, the CISSS of Chaudière-Appalaches responded to the letter sent by the Union.

“The CISSS of Chaudière-Appalaches is experiencing major labor issues. The context of shortage to which we add the summer vacation period in addition to a seventh wave of COVID makes the situation even more difficult. (…)”, he wrote.