CORONAVIRUS. More than 500 000 deaths and over 10 million cases : the balance sheet of the new coronavirus Covid-19 continues to rise in the world. China is facing a new wave of infections in Beijing for fifteen days, is concerned.

Summary Map of the coronavirus Statistics of the coronavirus China United States Brazil Spain Italy United Kingdom Germany Portugal Belgium Africa

[updated on June 29, 2020 at 11h44] Cradle of pandemic coronavirus, China was thought to have halted the crisis, at the beginning of the spring, but the appearance of new cases since mid-June, especially in Beijing, has put the country under tension. The government has put into place measures of restriction in the capital, closing schools and reconfinant several districts in areas considered at risk, mostly located not far from the market giant of Xinfadi, which would be part of this new wave of contaminations. On Sunday, the authorities have decided to operate in the containment of the township of Anxin (500 000 people), to the south of Beijing, after the census of ten new cases. A total of 311 cases were discovered in Beijing, where “the situation of the epidemic is serious and complex,” said yesterday Xu Hejian, a spokesman for the city. Since the month of December, the Covid-19 has caused the death of 4 634 people (no deaths over the last 24 hours), 83. 00 case.

Two symbolic fencing have been completed this weekend in the world, since the balance sheet of the new coronavirus, now exceeds, on Monday, 29 June 2020, 500 000 (500 390) and 10 million cases (10 0 9 576). It is in the United States that the Covid-19 has made the greatest ravages, in number, with now more than 2.5 million cases in total (38 715 the last 24 hours), for 125 804 deaths (+ 265 dead in 24 hours). The more disturbing, despite the number of deaths down compared to last month, is that contagion is increasing in more than half of the american States, including California, Texas and Florida, very populated. In this tragic world ranking, following Brazil (55 961 deaths, 1 274 974 cases), and the United Kingdom (43.550 dead, 311 151 cases).

the map of The coronavirus in the world

Statistics of the coronavirus

Statistics of the coronavirus to the 28/06/2020 in the evening

a Country Number of cases New cases deaths New deaths United States 2,637,077 +40,540 128,437 +285 Brazil 1,345,254 +29,313 57,658 +555 Russia 634,437 +6,791 9,073 +104 India 549,197 +19,620 16,487 +384 United Kingdom 311,151 +901 43,550 +36 Spain 295,850 +301 28,343 +2 Peru 279,419 +3,430 9,317 +182 Chile 271,982 +4,216 5,509 +162 Italy 240,310 +174 34,738 +22 Iran 222,669 +2,489 10,508 +144 Mexico 212,802 +4,410 26,381 +602 Pakistan 202,955 +4,072 4,118 +83 Turkey 197,239 +1,356 5,097 +15 Germany 194,864 +175 9,029 +3 Saudi Arabia 182,493 +3,989 1,551 +40 France 162,936 29,778 South Africa 138,134 +6,334 2,456 +43 Bangladesh 137,787 +3,809 1,738 +43 Canada 103,250 +218 8,522 +6 Qatar 94,413 +750 110 British 91,769 +3,178 3,106 +167 China 83,500 +17 4,634 Egypt 65,188 +1,265 2,789 +81 Sweden 65,137 5,280 Belarus 61,475 +380 383 +6 Belgium 61,295 +86 9,732 Argentina 59,933 +2,189 1,232 +25 Ecuador 55,255 +681 4,429 +5 Indonesia 54,010 +1,198 2,754 +34 Netherlands 50,147 +73 6,105 United Arab Emirates 47,797 +437 313 +2 Iraq 45,402 +2,140 1,756 +96 Kuwait 44,942 +551 348 +4 Singapore 43,459 +213 26 Ukraine 42,982 +917 1,129 +19 Portugal 41,646 +457 1,564 +3 Oman 38,150 +1,197 163 +4 Philippines 35,455 +652 1,244 +8 Poland 33,907 +193 1,438 +3 Panama 31,686 +1,028 604 +12 Coronavirus in China

China has been plunged back into doubt a fortnight ago with the appearance of new cases, spread from the food market Xinfadi, Beijing. The country has made state Sunday from 12 new cases of Covid-19, including 7 identified in the capital. More than 400 new cases have been registered in Beijing since the reappearance of the virus. In total, the balance sheet of the China now stands at 83 500 cases and 4 634 deaths (no deaths in recent days). If the authorities have quickly responded by reconfinant some districts of the capital and limiting the travel, and then by testing a massive population, the discourse of the authorities continue to alternate between the optimism and distrust these days. “The situation of the epidemic is serious and complex,” explained, Sunday, Xu Hejian, a spokesman for the city of Beijing.

Coronavirus in the USA

The United States gather a total of 125 804 dead and 2 510 281 cases of Covid-19. According to the institute of Johns Hopkins university, the number of deaths that had occurred by Sunday, was 265 killed in 24 hours. The number of daily new infections recorded in the United States is these days above 30 000 but this figure had fallen to about 20 000 last month. After having raged in the eastern united states, the virus has moved mainly to the south and the west. “We have a serious problem in some areas,” acknowledged Dr. Fauci, the epidemiologist-in-chief of the White House, last Friday, during a press conference, appealing to the individual responsibility of each American in the control of the spread of the virus.

Coronavirus in Brazil

In Brazil, 1 661 deaths have been recorded during the last 24 hours, for a total balance which now stands at 1 274 974 cases were reported and 55 961 deaths. The figures continue to follow an upward trend, but the government, however, continues to communicate messages of encouragement, assuring that the situation is under control, under the leadership of president Jair Bolsonaro-refractoryx-containment measures implemented by the governors of the states and supporting the thesis that the consequences of economic of these restrictions could cause damage far more serious than those caused by the coronavirus. Experts believe that Brazil should soon reach a “plateau”, but with a high figure of more than 1 000 deaths per day. The balance would be heavily under-estimated in the scientific community.

Coronavirus in Spain

Spain, the record was state, Sunday, 118 new cases in 24 hours, or 248 770 cases in total, for 28 343 deaths (2 deaths in 24 hours). In terms of déconfinement, the date of the 1st July is the next cap set by the Spanish government. The state of alert, which ran until June 21, to limit travel, has come to an end. The reopening of the borders to tourists, has also been booked. The football championship has taken over there a fortnight, and many cultural venues have also opened their doors. In contrast, the schools will re-open in September.

Coronavirus in Italy

In Italy, the official report release Sunday, authorities reported 22 additional deaths in 24 hours (8 the previous day), which last week, after the discovery of several outbreaks, especially in Rome, while seeking to reassure. “We’ve got some lack of attention, as the young nightlife scene, and so on, but in Italy, most people continue to wear the mask and apply the distancing physical,” said Massio Andreoni, head of the department of infectious diseases at the hospital Tor Vergata in Rome. The virus will continue to circulate and we’ll have the sudden reappearance of a few outbreaks. If there is a second wave, this will be our fault. This will mean that we will not have been able to apply what we have learned from the situation in the spring”.

Coronavirus in the United Kingdom

The last balance sheet reported in the United Kingdom was a state, on Sunday, 36 more deaths in 24 hours (compared to 186 the previous day). In total, the country has 43 550 deaths since the beginning of the epidemic to more than 311 151 positive cases). According to the office for national statistics (ONS), the number of deaths attributed to the new coronavirus is nevertheless higher than that announced by the ministry of Health, and the overall balance would be in reality more than 50 000 victims of the Covid-19, taking into account the actual number of deceased persons in retirement homes. In addition, the health professionals in the country have asked the class british policy to prepare the United Kingdom in the “true risk” of a second wave, last Wednesday, in a letter published in the British Medical Journal.

The Uk is also continuing with its déconfinement progressive, including the partial reopening of the schools since the beginning of the month. The return is done by age groups for primary schools with pupils aged 4 to 6 years, and from 10 to 11 years. All stores were allowed to reopen on Monday, June 15, with the implementation of precautionary measures (limitation of the number of customers inside, markings on the ground to facilitate the detachment physics…). The port of the mask is also mandatory in the transport. For the reopening of bars and restaurants, it will be necessary, however, to wait for the 4th of July, and again a little later (no date set) for the leisure parks, discos, gyms or swimming pools.

Coronavirus in Germany

262 new infections in the last 24 hours have been reported Monday by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) for infectious diseases, responsible for the daily monitoring of the epidemic. The total number of infections now stands at 193 761 since the beginning of the epidemic in the country. Four additional deaths have also been reported, bringing the total balance sheet of the epidemic 8961 death.

The dissemination of a video, which seems to be recorded in the month of April in the premises of the slaughterhouse Tommies to Gütershloh in North Rhine-Westphalia has created the scandal in recent days. It is this slaughter that was born the largest outbreak facing the country, with more than 1500 employees have been tested positive to the virus. “I find it outrageous that Tönnies has reacted so late, and now everyone in the district suffers the consequences, one has even the right to go on holiday,” said a resident in remarks picked up by FranceInfo.

The announcement Tuesday, June 23, a reconfinement in part in two districts of the region North Rhine-Wespthalie had the effect of a bomb on a european continent that fears the arrival of a second wave. Planned for a week until 30 June, the reconfinement provides for a strict limitation of contacts between the people, the closure of bars, movie theaters or museums, and the prohibition of recreational activities, with the exception of those in the open air. The canon of Gütersloh has 360 000 inhabitants. “We are dealing with the most important site of infection,” announced during the weekend the Prime minister of North Rhine-Westphalia Armin Laschet. “In the whole of North Rhine-Westphalia, the number of infections decreased by 75% since the déconfinement, but here, in the district of Gütersloh, the numbers explode, this is closely linked to the meat industry”. Later in the day Tuesday, Armin Laschet announced the containment of another township of the region, one of Warendorf, bringing the number of “reconfinés to 600 000. Anxiety climbs, especially as the school holidays were due to start on Friday, 26 June at night. The departure of families to the South or to the coasts of the North sea, concerned about the spread of the virus.

Coronavirus in Portugal

The final 8 of the champions League football, scheduled for the beginning of August in Lisbon, can it be threatened ? While Portugal was pleased to have been chosen by the UEFA in view of its good results in the management of the outbreak of coronavirus, the surge of new cases in the Portuguese capital concerned. Thursday 25 June, the government announced the reconfinement of the inhabitants of 19 districts in the suburbs north of Lisbon. The measures will take effect on the 1st July for two weeks. The inhabitants will not be allowed to leave their home to go to work, get food or get some medication. The gathering are also limited to 5 persons in this area, as opposed to 20 elsewhere in Portugal. These measures are the result of a significant increase of cases in the region of Lisbon with between 300 and 400 new cases daily in a country hitherto spared with 40 000 cases for a population of 10 million inhabitants.

The country hardens its containment after the increase of new cases of coronavirus in recent weeks. If the police Portuguese administered to previously little-fines relating to non-compliance of the containment, the situation has changed in recent days, according to Maryse Burgot, journalist FranceInfo this in Lisbon. “Now, any person who participates in an unauthorized gathering will be subject to a fine of 350 euros,” she explains.

The country heard yet wet on her good numbers, and its status as a safe destination to attract the european tourists. The government has recently introduced a mobile application “Info Praia” on the terms of opening of the beaches this summer. We have included on this application, information about the rate of occupation of beaches as well as a color code for whether the beach is open in “dynamic” mode (walk permitted only) or if it is possible to cover it with his towel. The dating of the beaches could be monitored and reduced by half compared to usual, but their access could remain free.

Coronavirus in Belgium

No of digits transmitted on Monday on the evolution of the epidemic in Belgium. Sciensano does not diffuse more data the Sunday and Monday. On Friday, the agency had referred to 5 additional deaths in 24 hours, for an average of 8 deaths daily over the period of the last seven days. The balance sheet of the epidemic was Friday, June 26, of 9731 deaths in Belgium. 99 new infections have also been reported for a total of 61 007 contaminations. The institute is however, to be cautious and to remember that the virus is not defeated. “89 new infections on average per day have been reported. This is a decrease of 6% compared to the previous week (94 new infections on average per day). During the same period, the average number of deaths daily was also dropped from 8 to 7 (-18%).”

It was now the summer vacation of crystallize the attention of the authorities. According to the belgian press, at least 10 million Belgians have decided to pass on the coasts of their country, resulting in a peak inflow that it will be necessary to manage to prevent a resumption of the contamination. An application should be put in place to prevent the influx and try to manage the flow. The national security council met on Wednesday, June 24, had endorsed the new measures of the déconfinement in Belgium, measures, which will come into force on the 1st July next. The “bubble social” measures to limit contacts to 10 different people per week, will be expanded to 15 people. Swimming pools, amusement parks or casinos, will be able to reopen but under strict conditions of security. The live events will be limited to 200 people for those standing inside and 400 outside. Receptions and events in the party room will be limited to 50 people. The mask is not mandatory but is strongly recommended in the public space.

Coronavirus in Africa

The last balance sheet published by the african Centre of prevention of diseases of the african Union date of the 25th of June. It was state-of-315 410 cases on the entire continent, and 8334 death. South Africa is the most affected country ahead of Egypt and Nigeria. African country that makes the most of screening tests, South Africa has passed the milestone of 100 000 reported cases and nearly 2000 deaths. A test vaccine will be conducted on 2000 people. Developed by the university of Oxford and is considered as promising, it is already the subject of clinical trials in the United Kingdom and Brazil. The”objective, for the moment, is to ensure that the vaccine is not dangerous for patients, and to measure the response of the immune system”, explains to France 24 Lee Fairlie, a paediatrician at Wits university, who supervises one of the sites of the clinical trial. The challenge is to verify the absence of side effects. “This is what’s called a phase 2, during which one seeks to determine what is the dose of a vaccine produces the best immune response,” says his side Pierre Saliou, chairman of the Group of intervention in public health and epidemiology (GISPE).

In Senegal, president Macky Sall has beene placed in quarantine for two weeks, after having been in contact with a positive person. It would have been tested negative for the coronavirus, according to a statement read Wednesday on national television in senegal. This announcement comes at a time where 500,000 students must take the path of school in a country which counts more than 6,200 confirmed cases to 94 deaths.