COVID 19. offers you a selection of graphics, statistics and maps to follow and understand the evolution of the coronavirus in France.

Summary Number of cases and deaths in France from progress Curves of the coronavirus Map of France the circulation of the Covid Map of France of hospitalizations Compared with other countries Number of cases of Covid-19, and the number of deaths in France

For months, every day, public Health France presents a dashboard daily bringing together the latest data and key indicators to track the epidemic COVID-19 : confirmed cases, deaths, rate of positivity, patients hospitalized in the icu, number of clusters under investigation and the number of departments in a situation of high vulnerability are all data communicated on a daily basis.

These hospital data established by public Health, France and the ministry of Health, are based on ski-lifts in hospitals and medico-social establishments, including the long-term care facilities, for which the statistics are transmitted only once per week, since 22 may. Only the figures of the weekends are no longer disclosed since June 27. Find all the summarized data, the curves and the updated statistics on the pandemic of coronavirus in France below :

from progress Curves of the Covid-19 in France

from these data daily on the coronavirus in France, we have developed several curves that allow to observe the evolution of the virus according to the number of confirmed cases (by PCR test, i.e. nasopharyngeal), the number of hospitalizations and patients in the intensive care unit, the number of in-hospital deaths and death totals and the number of discharges, similar to the healings. It is necessary to distinguish here the evolution of the total number of patients hospitalized at an instant T and new hospitalizations, in other words, the new admissions each day at the hospital (gross). In one case, it is a balance, which takes into account the inputs but also the outputs of the hospital (healing or death). In the other, we speak only of the new entries in the hospital or in the intensive Covid on a day. For each graph, the curve represents the cumulative (ex : total number of cases, hospitalizations in progress) while the bars correspond to changes in day-to-day (the balances of hospital admissions every day, new death, etc) :

If you do not see the graphics, click here

NB : errors and corrections of the data have been reported on several occasions by public Health, France, leading sometimes to over-estimations followed a generally negative developments in the number of cases and deaths.

the ministry of Health also provides a graphic illustration of three important indicators : the evolution of the incidence rate (number of patients who test PCR positive for 100 000 inhabitants), the evolution of the number of reproduction to be effective, the rate of occupation of beds in the resuscitation and the rate of positivity of the tests and RT-PCR.

circulation Card of the Covid-19 (by department)

On the portal GĂ©odes, public Health, France offers a number of maps giving an overview at an instant T of the movement of the coronavirus in the territory. Can be found cards departmental and regional on the rate of positivity of the tests (percentage of tests Covid positive on the total number of tests carried out) or on the incidence rate. This last is a key indicator of the virulence of the virus at a local scale. It is the number of new cases of coronavirus diagnosed by PCR testing occurred over the last 7 days. This figure is related to the number of inhabitants, a rate expressed per 10 000 inhabitants. The alert threshold has been set at 50 per 100 000 inhabitants. Here is the latest map of incidence rates by department available :

The other cards on the circulation of Covid :

Rate of positivity of PCR tests by department : see the map R effective (reproductive rate of the virus), by region : see map Map of hospitalizations for Covid-19 (by department)

The maps related to the positivity of the tests, the incidence, or the rate of reproduction of the virus (above) are the first indicators of the movement of the coronavirus at the territorial level. The maps on the acts of SOS Doctors, or the passages to the emergency room are the relevant indicators in a second time, when the progression of the epidemic begins to be translated by the use of medical services. In the end, it is the evolution of the number of hospitalizations or cases in the intensive care unit, which will confirm or not that the coronavirus circulating (or bounces) effectively on a given territory. This map shows the total number of people currently hospitalized for Covid-19 by department :

The other cards on the medical interventions and hospitals :

Rate of acts of SOS doctors daily for suspicion Covid : see the card Rates of passages to the emergency room daily for suspicion Covid : see the map New admissions daily at the hospital : see the map New admissions daily in the intensive Covid : see the map Number of people currently in intensive care : see the map Dashboard complete prepared by Esri France : see the map Curves and map progress of the Covid-19 country-by-country

many other graphs as well as maps are developed by the scientists and by reviews recognized to try to observe as precisely as possible the trajectory of the epidemic and to compare the evolution of the Covid-19 in the various countries affected. Among these curves, those developed from the data of the John Hopkins University in the United States, are the most comprehensive. These data are reproduced by the Financial Times, Google Studio and many others with updates daily. We will assume that since mid-April on the data and graphs presented by the website Our World in Data, a joint project of researchers at Oxford University and the NGO Global Exchange-Data Lab. These curves and this map show the number of cases and deaths back to the population, that is, for 1 million inhabitants.

graph of the number of cases of coronavirus by million :

Map of the number of deaths from coronavirus by million :

focus on the total number of deaths is “gross” in each country is indeed subject to caution, the hour, or the management of the pandemic by governments, and their results are the cause of many comparisons, as well as lively debates. Reduce the number of deaths to the population is supposed to erase the demographic weight of each country, but it does gum, however, the pyramid of ages which sometimes shows very large differences from one country to the other.