CURFEW. Will we finally be able to leave home after 7 p.m. ? Yes, replied the President of the Republic during the official announcements published in the regional press this Friday. The end of the curfew will be organized little by little throughout the territory. Three dates are to be remembered.

Summary Curfew rules Curfew time (7 p.m.) Curfew shifted 9 p.m. Then pushed back to 11 p.m. End of curfew exemptions Curfew Paris Curfew certificate Curfew sanctions and fine

[Updated on April 30, 2021 at 5: 32 p.m.] That’s it, the deconfinement plan is on its way and with it, the upcoming lifting of curfew. During the interview published in the regional daily press, this Friday, Emmanuel Macron advanced a deconfinement in four stages. But not only ! The President of the Republic also formalized his intention to end the curfew. The lifting of this restriction will take place gradually until the summer. From 19 May, the French will no longer have the obligation to be at their home at 7 p.m., but at 9 p.m. Then on June 9, the curfew will be again shifted to 11 p.m., this time. Finally, the government will end this restrictive measure on June 30.

At the end of the Council of Ministers, this Wednesday, Jean Castex had already indicated that the curfew “as we know it” will end mechanically on June 2 with the establishment of a “transitional regime” until October 31. Eventually the end of the measurement was pushed back, but will become lighter on the hour over time.

“The new system that we are going to submit to Parliament no longer allows the use of curfew as we know it today. On the other hand, it allows the government, by decree, to close or keep closed a certain number of establishments receiving from the public,” said the Prime Minister. He added : “If the situation were to deteriorate seriously again (…) to redecorate the state of health emergency and therefore to resort to curfew”.

What are the curfew rules ?

For the second time, the country is subject to the curfew rule in order to better control the coronavirus epidemic. At 8 p.m., then at 6 p.m. and now at 7 p.m., the French must stay at home, unless otherwise agreed, until 6 a.m. The schedules will therefore evolve in the month of May.

What time does curfew begin and end ? 

From December 15 to January 16, the curfew was in effect from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. Then from January 16 to March 20, it went from 18 to 6 in the morning. These schedules have been changed again : since March 21, the curfew begins at 7 pm while the end time does not move and remains at 6 am. In this time slot, travel is prohibited, with exceptions. The rest of the time, outings and trips are allowed.

As early as May 19, the curfew shifted to 21 hours

Emmanuel Macron had already entrusted it, Monday, April 26, to a little girl from the school of Melun (Seine-et-Marne), the curfew at 19 hours, “it’s too early”. And if for a few days, several hypotheses were put forward on a change of time for this restrictive measure, it is now official. The curfew will be moved to 9 p.m., starting on 19 May. This date will also be that of the reopening of shops, cultural places and terraces, according to gauges.

From June 9, the curfew extended to 23 hours

Here is the second stage of Emmanuel Macron’s bet. Three weeks after the change at 9 p.m., the curfew will be extended to 11 p.m., starting on June 9. This novelty will be accompanied this time by the reopening of the indoor rooms of bars and restaurants (with tables of up to six), as well as gyms. Telecommuting rules will also be relaxed on this date.

An official end on June 30 ?

Finally, the curfew will leave the daily life of the French as of June 30, with the complete lifting of this restriction. In all, the curfew will have lasted eight months by that date.

What are the exceptions to curfew? 

The following are the permitted outings during curfew hours (and must be justified via the attestation) :

To and from the place of work if it is night work or requiring a return home after 20 hours (or business travel that cannot be postponed) Compelling family reasons, for assistance to vulnerable and precarious persons, including persons with disabilities or for childcare Medical reasons : go to hospital, appointment for examinations and care that cannot be carried out distance insurance and purchase of medicines Participation in missions of general interest at the request of the administrative authority (marauders of associations to fight against poverty or distribution of food aid at home, for example) Assistance to people with disabilities and accompanying them Walk with a domestic animal around his home Is the curfew in place at 19 hours in Paris ?

Yes ! Although containment is in place in the Paris region, the curfew is also in effect at 19h in Paris. If the rules of containment