In a new video published on YouTube, professor Raoult has refuted with vehemence the study on hydroxychloroquine published in The Lancet.

[updated may 25, 2020 at 15.05] A new study, published may 22, 2020 in The Lancet, has demonstrated the ineffectiveness of the chloroquine (CQ) and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in the treatment of Covid-19. The research team concluded that these treatments were associated “with a decrease in survival to hospital and an increased frequency of ventricular arrhythmias”. However, the Pr Didier Raoult, director of the IHU Marseille, persists and signs : the HCQ “saves lives”.

In a video posted on YouTube, Monday, may 25, 2020, the infectiologist has fulminé : “how do you want a study half-assed made with the big data changes what we saw? We have done 10 000 electrocardiograms in the patients, who have all been seen by a team of cardiologists. I’m not going to change your mind regardless of the study and the journal.” According to him, in this type of scientific articles “the reality is twisted in such a way that what is reported has nothing to do with the observable reality. Nothing can erase what I saw with my eyes.” The Pr Raoult remains “serene” about what he’s doing. “The quarrels of scientific, political, advertising, everything has a time, time does the sorting, it is not very worried about it,” he added.