most of the cases, it is the variant of the uk. These cases have mainly been detected on people from 16 to 50 years. Naturally, these figures increased the incidence rate for our town of 3,500 inhabitants.” On the recommendations of the regional Agency of health (ARS), tests were carried out on Thursday and Friday last in schools in order to have a general idea of the overall population. In total, over 360 tests carried out in the public and private schools, only three cases were found positive for Covid-19.

20:30 – specific measures in a commune of the Aveyron

The epidemiological situation deteriorated significantly around Saint-Affrique, in Aveyron, to such a point that the prefect and the regional Agency of health (OSNS) have decided to take special measures, as reported by site The team of mediators of anti Covid-19 is going to intervene, with the help of the departmental Association of civil protection, for the establishment of a specific campaign of testing for the coronavirus by antigenic testing. Our colleagues report that the tests will be offered to the population, without age limits, as of Saturday 3 April 2021 on the front steps of the town hall, from 9 a.m. to 12 hours.

19:55 – A long-term care facilities from Biscarrosse affected by a cluster

A screening campaign collective in the long-term care facilities Leon Dubédat of Biscarrosse (Landes) has enabled the detection of several cases of people infected with the coronavirus, forming a cluster, as reported France Bleu Gascogne Wednesday, march 31. A total of 14 positive cases of Covid-19 have been identified among residents and eight staff, including 22 cases in total.

19:35 – testing the antigenic available at The Meeting

people wanting to get tested for the Covid-19 can also perform rapid tests (antigenic testing) in some pharmacies on the island, as reported by Imaz Press. The list is available on the internet site of the Agency for regional health services (ARS). In the case of a positive result for the coronavirus, the individual will have to isolate, contact your doctor and talk to a medical biology laboratory or pharmacist to perform a second sample is subjected to the PCR test.

19:20 – new screening campaigns at The Meeting

in Order to limit the spread of Covid-19 in the island, the regional Agency of health (ARS) of the Meeting and The common Possession and Etang-Salé, with the support of the CHU, laboratories and pharmacies, organize screening operations Covid-19 for the population. These will take place on April 3, for The Possession of, and on April 7 Etang-Salé. Find detailed information on the site Imaz Press.

19:00 – Sputnik V will not happen before the end of June in the EU

The vaccine Russian may not be authorized within the european Union before the end of the month of June, warned the French State secretary for european Affairs, Clement Beaune in front of the european Affairs Committee of the Senate, as referred to in the Echoes. A statement that comes as some european countries are moving this track to accelerate their campaign of vaccination against the coronavirus. “There is a first step in the review (of the folder validation) called scientific journal, which without a doubt, we are told, will take at least until mid-June,” he said. The media reports his words : “And then there was one last step that is the opinion of the european medicines Agency (EMA) on the authorisation of the placing on the market, which takes a few more weeks. So this is not a vaccine that is autorisable likely before the end of the month of June.”

18:44 – 9.1% of the population of deux-Sèvres vaccinated against the coronavirus

as early As next week, the number of weekly injections of the vaccine against the coronavirus should oscillate between 9 000 and 10 000, indicates The New Republic. Almost three times more than in early march. The regional Agency of health (ARS) was calculated as 9.1% of the population of deux-Sèvres has received at least one injection of the vaccine against the Covid-19, including 4.3 % in the two injections.

18:25 – Three new centres of vaccination Covid-19 in the deux-Sèvres

The campaign of vaccination Covid-19 is about to reach its cruising speed, as announced by the delegation two-sévrienne of the regional Agency of health (ARS), taken up by The New Republic. Three new centres of vaccination against the coronavirus are going to open their doors : Tuesday, April 6, at the party hall of Mauzé-sur-le-Mignon (, as well as Wednesday, April 7, Niort-Noron (no details at the moment) and to Bressuire-Bocapole (

18:05 – Cluster at the centre pénitentiaire de Nancy

The prison (CP) for Nancy-Maxéville is home to a cluster according to the announcements of the ARS Grand-est, Tuesday, march 30. Eight officers and as many inmates have tested positive for Covid-19. This Thursday marks the beginning of a screening campaign mass with respect to the guards and inmates. Prison officers are authorized to perform the test outside of the institution, but are forced to communicate the results to the directors