A few days before the reshuffle was announced, the departure of Edouard Philippe could be the change desired heading by Emmanuel Macron…

Will, will not ? The coming days promise to be decisive for the future of Edouard Philippe, sandwiched between a victory in the local elections and the will of Emmanuel Macron to initiate a change of direction post-crisis of the coronavirus with a reshuffle announced in scope. The Prime minister is popular, its coast with the French people has been mounting in recent months, and as well, his landing of the prime minister is not without risk, where intense negotiations on his departure. The game of the confidences anonymous in the press, the relatives of the power – majority mps and ministers – agree that the head of State is faced with a dilemma.

But the desire to reinvent, to two years of the presidential election, with the strong symbol of the change of head of government, could impose, and therefore cost his place to Edouard Philippe. The municipal and the green wave that has swept through several major French cities could leave traces, in the face of a Prime minister, not really close to environmentalists.

Edouard Philippe does not “create caps”

A desire on the part of Emmanuel Macron to make a left turn, more social, therefore, is also part of the persistent rumours and, indeed, the potential successors of Edouard Philippe mentioned everywhere in the press leave little room for doubt : Florence Parly, former of the PS and Jospin government, Jean-Yves Le Drian, the iconic minister of the quinquennium Holland, or even Laurence Tubiana, a diplomat of the left…

anyway, Edouard Philippe does not “create caps”, as did its close to the Figaro, when a minister insists on the fact that Emmanuel Macron is going to have to be diplomatic, regardless of his or her choice. “It will not he humiliates in the process, because it is a man, Edward, who has his pride…”, says this member of the government, also quoted by Le Figaro.