The lawyer and feminist activist, is dead at the age of 93 years on Tuesday, July 28. It will, among other things, as a figurehead of the right to abortion in France.

Gisèle Halimi died, Tuesday 28 August, in Paris, at the age of 93 years. It will remain as one of the outstanding figures of the feminist the most involved and media of France in the 1970s, militant and confident lawyer persevering invested in the fight for the legislation of abortion and the recognition of rape as a crime. In 1971, she was one of the signatories of the “Manifesto of the 343” while she was enrolled at the bar. “This battle deserves to be conducted on many fronts : change the law, to explain himself in front of the order, in case of a lawsuit. The penalty of suspension, or cancellation, seemed to me to be a part, at this time, the logic of our history of women. I signed up, I believe, a lawyer of the lonely,” confided in “The Milk of the orange tree”, a book autobiographical in which it was engaged on his fighting feminists.