GOVERNMENT. The announcement was made from the Elysée palace on Monday 6 July. Here is the composition of the government Castex with the full list of ministers appointed by Emmanuel Macron and a detailed description…

Summary: List of ministers of the government Composition of the government Castex Prime minister and minister of foreign Affairs Minister of the ecological Transition Minister of Education Minister of Economy Minister of Defense Minister of Interior Minister of Labour Minister of Overseas Sea Minister of Justice Minister for Territories Minister of Culture minister of Health Minister of the Sea, Minister of higher Education Minister of Agriculture Minister of public Service Ministers delegates Minister for Equality Minister for Housing Minister for Transport Minister for public Accounts deputy Minister for Sports government spokesman

The composition of the government Castex was unveiled on Monday, 6 July 2020 by the secretary-general of the presidency of the Republic, Alexis Kohler, on the front steps of the Elysée palace. After you have chosen a new Prime minister on Friday last in the person of the old “Mr. déconfinement”, the former mayor LR of Prades in the Pyrénées-Orientales, Emmanuel Macron has opted for this new government to a list of about thirty of the ministers and delegated ministers (16 ministers, 14 deputy ministers and a secretary of State). Other appointments, at the level of secretaries of State, are still expected in the coming days.

In the government Castex, we note mainly the arrivals of Eric Dupond-Moretti Justice and Roselyne Bachelot in the Culture. The former elected EELV Barbara Pompili returns it to the government, that it was already known at the end of the quinquennium Holland, to take this time the ministry of the Transition. Heavy duty of right as on the left (Gérald Darmanin, Bruno Le Maire, Jean-Yves Le Drian, Olivier Véran…) are also strengthened to the end of the quinquennium. This new government is renewed to the tune of one third compared to that of Edouard Philippe.

Emmanuel Macron had planned to meet this new government for its first Council of ministers this Tuesday, July 7. The appointment was set at 15 hours for this new team.

The list of ministers of the government

Here is the list of ministers of the government Castex : Jean Castex, mep, Prime minister, head of government ; Jean-Yves Le Drian, minister for Europe foreign Affairs ; Barbara Pompili, minister of the ecological Transition ; Jean-Michel Blanquer, minister of Education, Youth and Sports ; Bruno Le Maire, minister of Economy, Finance and the Recovery ; Florence Parly, minister for the Armed forces and the Defence ; Gérald Darmanin, minister of the Interior ; Elizabeth Terminal, minister of Labour, Employment and Inclusion ; Sébastien Lecornu, minister of overseas ; Eric Dupond-Moretti, minister of Justice, Garde des Sceaux ; Jacqueline Gourault, minister of the Cohesion and of the Territories ; Roselyne Bachelot, minister of Culture ; Olivier Véran, minister of Health and Solidarity ; Annick Girardin, minister of the Sea ; Frédérique Vidal, minister of higher Education, Research and Innovation ; Julien Denormandie, minister of Agriculture and Food ; Amélie de Montchalin, minister of the Function and the Transformation to the public.

The list of ministers delegates : Marc Fesneau, minister delegate for Relations with Parliament ; Elizabeth Moreno, minister for gender Equality, the Rights and Equality of opportunity ; Frank Riester, minister delegate to the foreign Trade and Attractiveness ; Emmanuelle Wargon, delegate minister to the Housing ; Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, minister for Transport, Olivier Dussopt, delegate minister to the public Accounts ; Agnes Basket Runacher, delegate minister for Industry ; Alain Griset, minister delegate for SMES ; Roxana Maracineanu, minister responsible for Sports ; Geneviève Darrieussecq, minister delegated to the Memory and to war veterans ; Marlene Schiappa, minister responsible for Citizenship ; Brigitte Klinkert, minister delegate to the Insertion ; Nadia Hai, minister delegate in charge of the City ; Brigitte Bourguignon, minister delegate to Self ; Gabriel Attal, secretary of State, spokesman of the government.

the composition of The government Castex Roselyne Bachelot during the transfer of power with Frank Riester Monday, the ministry of Culture. © Laurent Vu/SIPA Prime minister, head of government : Jean Castex

Jean Castex has been appointed, on July 3, 2020, by Emmanuel Macron to succeed Edouard Philippe. The mandarin-to-55-year-old was the “Mr. déconfinement” of the government. This high official from the Court of Auditors, is recognized as a “great connoisseur of the hospital sector”. Sarkozyste, he was deputy secretary general of the presidency of the Republic of February 28, 2011-may 15, 2012. Recently re-elected in the town of Pardes, he is also an Advisor for the département of the Pyrénées-Orientales since 2015.

Minister of Europe (foreign Affairs : Jean-Yves Le Drian

this key position, Emmanuel Macron, has chosen to renew Jean-Yves Le Drian, the former Defence minister, François Hollande. This socialist historic canal has changed portfolio in 2017 , but remains at a position of major importance with a large portion of records in common with his / her former position. Has Defence, its balance sheet was judged to be positive with the fight against the islamic State, but also with the signing of several large contracts for arms with foreign countries, including for the rafale. At the Quai d’orsay, it has since remained a heavy weight of the executive.

Minister of the ecological Transition : Barbara Pompili

This is an old environmentalist to EELV passed by the government of Holland that Jean Castex and Emmanuel Macron have gone to search for the department of ecological Transition. A former deputy in the Sum since 2012, after having been the assistant of the parliament, Yves Cochet, Barbara Pompili, co-chair of the group ecologist at the Meeting with François de Rugy, until 2016. After the break-up between the Green and François Hollande, she opts for the government, slams the door EELV and becomes secretary of State for Biodiversity at the end of the quinquennium of socialist. It will finally be re-elected in the elections of 2017 with the label of The Republic in the Works this time. Since then, Barbara Pompili, presided over the commission on sustainable Development and territory Planning of the national Assembly. The ecological Transition, she has the daunting task of taking the result of media Nicolas Hulot, who has thrown in the towel at the end of August 2018 weary of seeing the Élysée push the reforms that he had his wishes, his former sidekick François de Rugy, who resigned in July 2019 after suspicions about the use of its allowances of the president of the Assembly and Elisabeth Terminal in the balance sheet discussed.

Minister of Education, Youth and Sports : Jean-Michel Blanquer

Jean-Michel Blanquer, former director of the Essec business school, high school of commerce, was appointed minister of national Education in 2017. A former student of Sciences Po Paris and Harvard, he has been rector of the Academy of French Guiana between 2004 and 2006, rector of the Academy of Créteil (france) between 2007 and 2009, director-general of school education ministry of national Education, between 2009 and 2012, then director-general of the group of graduate business schools from June 2013. He has already had the support of the reform of the high school, and the tray is very verbose. Enjoyed the Elysée is said, it inherits in the government of Jean Castex of a wider ministry to the Youth and Sports.

Minister of Economy, Finance and the Recovery : Bruno The Mayor

Emmanuel Macron, knows very well-Bercy. The one he has designated, in 2017 – in keeping with its Prime minister at the time Edouard Philippe – to take his former position is another defector from the right : Bruno Le Maire. By agreeing to become the boss of Bercy, the former member of parliament The Republicans of the Eure, who had campaigned to become president of the UMP, and then to be invested candidate LR for the presidential election, has broken with his party, as Edouard Philippe and Gérald Darmanin in particular. It will in particular be carried out the law “Covenant” on growth and businesses. Renewed in the government of Castex, he inherits more of the heavy folder of the economic recovery after the crisis of the sars coronavirus.

Minister for the Armed forces and Defence : Florence Parly

Florence Parly has been appointed minister for the Armed forces on 21 June 2017. This mandarin is not quite foreign to the government when it comes after the election of Emmanuel Macron. In particular, it has already been secretary of State for the Budget between 2000 and 2002. Socialist in origin, Florence Parly has joined the PS in 1995. She has also been deputy general director at Air France from 2008 to 2014, then director-general, strategies and finance at SNCF, and director general of SNCF Traveller may 1, 2016 to his appointment. In June 2017, it has replaced Sylvie Goulard, mep centrist, who is retiring also after the parliamentary elections. One time in contemplation to Matignon, she was finally renewed in his functions in July 2020.

Minister of the Interior : Gérald Darmanin

Gérald Darmanin was a very close to Xavier Bertrand, when he was appointed minister in charge of the Action and of public Accounts in 2017, in the government of Edouard Philippe. The mayor of Tourcoing, re-elected in the first round in 2020, was put also in the margin of his political party to join Emmanuel Macron. A few weeks before his appointment to the government, it was displayed alongside François Baroin to prepare for the campaign of the Republicans of the legislative elections. Among its major projects, the implementation of the deduction at source for income tax, voted by the previous majority, and maintained after a time of reflection by the executive. Candidate to a position more prestigious in the government Castex, it was successful in winning the Interior, despite the recent reopening of an investigation for rape, the assault, after a non-place, and delivered in 2018.

Minister of Labour, Employment and Inclusion : Elizabeth Terminal

a Graduate of Polytechnique and of the Ponts et chaussées, this high-civil servant has been, in turn, minister of Transport and then minister of the Transition government Philippe. On the harness, it is ultimately maintained in the government Castex Labour and Employment. In her career, Elizabeth Terminal has also directed the Régie autonome des transports parisiens (RATP), from may 2015 to may 2017. Previously, she worked in the department of Ecology (with Ségolène Royal), was prefect of the Poitou-Charente, has served within the SNCF or Eiffage. Elizabeth Terminal has also been the technical advisor in charge of transport in the cabinet of Lionel Jospin at Matignon in 1997.

Minister of overseas : Sébastien Lecornu

Sébastien Lecornu is far from being a novice in politics. It has already been the parliamentary assistant to the mp for UMP Franck Gilard, advisor to Bruno Le Maire, secretary of State for european Affairs in the former government Fillon, mayor of Vernon (Eure) and chair of the department. The benjamin of the government, Philippe has made his studies in law at the prestigious university of Assas in Paris. Previously, he was State secretary to the minister of the ecological Transition and solidarity, and minister responsible for Communities.

Minister of Justice, Garde des Sceaux : Eric Dupond-Moretti, Eric Dupond-Moretti, minister of Justice. © CELINE BREGAND/SIPA

This is the appointment a surprise in the reshuffle of July 2020 : the lawyer media Eric Dupond-Moretti, rather listed to the left, inherits the position of keeper of the Seals to the result of Nicole Belloubet. A man of head-shots, and rants, Eric Dupond-Moretti is known as the “acquitator” in the middle of the justice for the numerous acquittals obtained for its clients. Outreau case Balkany, it is shown in many cases that are reverberating, but also on television, film and on stage when he is tried in the acting profession. A man of controversy (pro-bullfight in particular), he has several times attacked the magistrates, denouncing it as a “Republic of judges”, which caused a stir at the time of his appointment. By becoming a minister, he withdrew a complaint he had just filed in the framework of the so-called case of eavesdropping.

Minister of Cohesion and Territories : Jacqueline Gourault

Jacques Mézard, senator GWP of the Cantal, in office since June 2017, has been replaced by Jacqueline Gourault in October 2018, which has therefore preserved its portfolio in July 2020. The latter was first secretary of State to the minister of the Interior Gérard Collomb at the beginning of the quinquennium before being assigned to this ministry revised the prerogatives wider, with the Cohesion of Territories and Relations with communities. Faithful to François Bayrou, the senator MoDem in the Loir-et-Cher in office since 2001, is without any doubt the appointment that has enabled Emmanuel Macron honour (and maintain) his alliance with the centrist party. Professor of history-geography at the origin, Jacqueline Gourault was also the mayor of The Chaussée-Saint-Victor(Loir-et-Cher) for 25 years.

Minister of Culture : Roselyne Bachelot

This is another “star” that is entered in the government Castex in July 2020, at the same time that Eric Dupond-Moretti : Roselyne Bachelot, member of parliament for Maine-et-Loire from 1988 to 2007, former mep, former minister of Ecology, Health and Sports and the social Cohesion in the governments of Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy, very close to François Fillon, made his big return to politics after a break of more than 8 years, where she is tried in the radio and television. During the crisis of the coronavirus, her work as minister of Health in the midst of a crisis of the H1N1 flu, will be rehabilitated, while the massive purchase of vaccines at the time had a controversy. This is no doubt thanks in part to this recognition, and this wave of sympathy that she may return to the centre of the game in 2020, to the Culture this time. Roselyne Bachelot takes the following Françoise Nyssen and Frank Riester.

Minister of Health and Solidarity : Olivier Véran

Olivier Veran, a former socialist deputy of the Isère, entered the government in February 2020, in the midst of the epidemic of coronavirus, to take the result of Agnès Buzyn, called for the campaign of municipal in Paris after the withdrawal of Benjamin Griveaux. The minister of Solidarity and of Health, a former neurologist who has practised at the university hospital of Grenoble, has previously been a regional councillor of Auvergne, Rhône-Alpes. Elected in 2012 with the label PS to Assemble, he joined Emmanuel Macron in 2015, as a referral health care for his presidential campaign. The Health, Olivier Véran is going to embody very quickly the fight of the government against the epidemic of Covid-19, to the point of being renewed in the government Castex. The result probably also a desire for stability in this period is still uncertain : the whole foreclosure could be interpreted as a repudiation of the policy carried out for months against the virus.

Minister of the Sea : Annick Girardin

Minister of overseas until July 2020, Annick Girardin has been named in a department of any new devoted this time to the sea and its preservation. As Jean-Yves Le Drian, the former socialist had served under François Hollande, as minister of the public Service in the government Valls 2 and Cazeneuve. Former member of parliament for Saint-Pierre-and-Miquelon between 2007 and 2014, she has also been advisor to region of the archipelago for seventeen years. From 2014 to 2016, Annick Girardin, has also been&comte; the secretary of State in charge of the Development and the Francophonie. During the primary citizen of 2017, she was supported by Sylvia Pinel. It then argued Emmanuel Macron during the presidential election.

Minister of higher Education, Research and Innovation : Frédérique Vidal

Frédérique Vidal has joined the government on may 17, 2017. This former Science teacher and Life of the Earth had led since 2012 the university of Nice Sophia Antipolis, after having been a teacher and lecturer. Fun fact : his appointment as minister of higher Education, Research and Innovation came while she was in mid-flight between New York and Paris, returning from a business trip… Frédérique Vidal has been repeated in the same functions in the government Castex in July 2020.

Minister of Agriculture and Food : Julien Denormandie

Julien Denormandie began his career as an engineer of Water and Forests, holds an MBA in economics. II met with Emmanuel Macron at the Elysée palace as the future presidential candidate was assistant secretary general in charge of economic issues. Julien Denormandie followed in Bercy, where he has been deputy director of the cabinet of Emmanuel Macron, minister of Economy. Dubbed “Macron Boy”, it was then deputy secretary-general of The Republic in walk, which he has actively participated in the launch, and flew it until his appointment, refounding the party with Catherine Barbaroux. In charge of the City and the Housing in the governments of Edouard Philippe, it radically changes area, since it goes to Agriculture and Food in July 2020 in the government Castex. He succeeds Stéphane Travert and Didier Guillaume, two former socialists.

Minister of the Function and the Transformation of public : Amélie de Montchalin