INTERVIEW – According to Guy-André Pelouze, a surgeon, France is at a turning point in the crisis of the sars coronavirus. The second phase began with the déconfinement absolutely must be well-managed, ” he explains to

a Surgeon at the centre hospitalier Saint Jean Perpignan and responsible for health of Lens France, Guy-André Pelouze follows very closely the crisis of the coronavirus in France. Several times a week, he delivers his analysis to the site Atlantico. According to him, the response of France to the arrival of the Covid-19 has not been good, until the government changes strategy. In an interview granted to he confirmed that, like many medical professionals, that the recent emergence of outbreaks of contamination is not observed as an effect of a potential second wave that is in the process of settling in the country, but cautioned on the imperative to succeed in this second phase began with the déconfinement, at the risk of seeing dozens of dead bodies accumulate in France.

What does it see through the appearance on the French territory of new outbreaks of contamination ?

there are two elements that must be remembered. The first is that it is not at all surprised to see a virus circulation in these areas which are out of the outbreaks initial (Paris, Lyon, Marseille and Large Is). The movement is now diffuse, not related to the first phase of the epidemic, which was a phase sporadic, when it mattered the virus through the vector of human in the country. This phase is complete. Today, we are facing a second phase and not to a second wave. The epidemic is thriving now in a slow and endemic, that is to say that the virus is among us and he makes small progress that are inevitable with the recovery of most of the human activities.

“today, we are facing a second phase and not to a second wave.”

The second point is the fact that if one realizes that there are homes of small sizes and scattered, it is rather a good news, because it means that we test and that it does not advance the blindfolded in the descent of the epidemic. Here, we act upstream. The indicator of the evolution of the epidemic, these are not the numbers of arrivals at the hospital, what tests are. These clusters are inevitable, and reveal that we test the population, which is a good thing.

But yet, the target of 700 000 tests weekly promised by the government is not required. Why can we not ?

“It was not necessary to say that the tests did nothing, it was not necessary to say that the masks did nothing for him…”

We have, from the beginning, several problems that have hindered the country’s response to the epidemic. Then, it is not easy to govern in this context, but we observe that it is the wrong strategy at the beginning. We went in one direction and then we realized that it was the wrong road. He was not to let people get immunized, it was not necessary to say that the tests did nothing, it was not necessary to say that the masks did nothing for him… He had to go in the other direction. It can be put to the credit of the Prime minister to have changed his strategy, but it has been delayed, and in a pandemic, time is your enemy. Once Edouard Philippe has put in place its plan for health care, which is a solid, it is necessary to transmit the policy and tools at the local level are that all of this does not advance. It has demobilized the laboratories and physicians at the beginning of the pandemic so very wrong to put everything in the arms of the hospital. It is necessary to put them back in the race.

What do you think of the brigades responsible for investigating the entourage of patients Covid-19, put in place in each department since 11 may ?

ARS “are monsters bureaucratic, not at all accustomed to draw and test”.

I prefer to say “mobile teams”, because the military register is according to me not good. But of all the ways she is not ready, so one is reduced to use of regional Agencies of health, which are monsters bureaucratic, not at all accustomed to draw and test. The work of the ARS does not go on the field test of the people, examine them to determine if they have met ten, twenty or thirty people, and then keep in touch with them… It’s patina is very strong.

Why ?

Because it takes a lot more of the world to do all this ! The ARS, it should be put on the ground. It doesn’t work also because the resources have been limited voluntarily. For example, it was forbidden to the medicine of the work to test the employees, it’s stupid. When you have a company which can test the employees, this makes the company the safest place. There are 5 000 physicians in occupational medicine as well as many nurses, who have the habit of the mobile teams, but they have been excluded from the system, because it is not the staff of the State and some trade unions are opposed to this as it tests the employees. It is necessary that the president of the Republic do show some authority. The medicine of the work must be a contribution.

Why long-term care Facility meet with enormous difficulties since the beginning of this crisis ?

“the map of The déconfinement is “useless”.”

They are helpless because they do not know what they should do, what they can do… We told them, yet there are fifteen days, that was not tested in the long-term care Facility, a month ago we told them to treat the tenants on site. Now they are told that admissions will resume, but it must absolutely not that the new tenants will be a positive, a puzzle… of course it must be tested heavily in the long-term care facilities.

What do you think of the map of the déconfinement, that could change this June 2, and increase the differences in restrictions between the departments ?

The differences exist, and it is not discriminate as to treat the geographical areas differently. It is simply to establish measures to break the transmission where it is important. There are regions in France where it has almost not seen the virus, it is like that. Today, one can not take the same measures where there is a high prevalence of the Covid-19, but it has nothing to do with the departments. This map of déconfinement is useless and this is all that the colours are a mix of several parameters, it is incomprehensible !

“If it was not possible this second phase of the epidemic, with clusters around a bit, there will be a lot of dead, of the order of 150 000, is the economy will be on the mat, as in no other country in Europe”.

That is to say ?

These are not whole departments, which are contaminants, these places are much smaller. It is necessary to adopt measures that are hyper-selective, fine, with a granulometry and a geolocation is very accurate, because otherwise, one is exposed to the economic consequences which it will not.

This highlights the need to draw the people to control the epidemic.

tracing is essential. If it was not possible this second phase of the epidemic, with clusters around a bit, there will be a lot of dead, of the order of 150 000, is the economy will be on the mat, as in no other country in Europe. It is necessary to take measures very, very thin, like what happened in slaughterhouses, namely to test all employees upon identification of the outbreak. The question, it’s not the cards, it is still a trick, to amuse the gallery… It has a home somewhere, it is treated in a rapid manner and we isolate the positive people. Once the company is disinfected, we test the serology of the employees and those who have antibodies to resume. It is simply good sense and refuses to this strategy since the beginning.

“If there had been landers, regions a little more self-reliant, there would necessarily have been different answers.”

listen to you, one has the impression that the response of France to the outbreak of Covid-19 has more defect in the structure of the country that in the strategy of the current government.