After the military ceremony of July 14, Emmanuel Macron was granted, with his wife Brigitte, a stroll in the garden of the Tuileries, where the president has crossed the road of a few yellow vests…

After a busy day, marked by the military parade of 14-July-place de la Concorde, Emmanuel Macron has decided to grant himself a walk not far from there, in the garden of the Tuileries. A walk of relaxation, with his wife Brigitte Macron, but that was quickly disrupted by the presence, at the same time in the park, a few people claiming the yellow vests who filmed the scene. The latter did not hesitate to rush on the head of the State, of course, surrounded by his security personnel, with the cry of “Macron, resignation !”, “You’re fired !” and whistling fed.

Emmanuel Macron, decided to meet with one of them, approaches to engage in discussion, any of the following to be very tense on the police violence. The interlocutors of the president’s urging to “turn the BRAV” the Brigades for the repression of violent action motorised formed in 2019 to intervene in the events of yellow vests just. “Remove the in the manifs, and you will see that it will get better,” says one of them, to which Emmanuel Macron replied that “this is not the president of the Republic who does that”.

“You are my employee mr. president !”