RESULTAT DU BAC. The date of the oral catch-up of the tray 2020 is now known that the results of the first session. Here are the essential facts to remember.

Summary Result of the tray 2020 Date for the results of the bac Results the bac of French as a Result of the tray to the catch-up

LATEST NEWS The oral catch-up of the tray 2020 will be held from Wednesday 8 to Friday 10. July . in unlike the written tests in the bin, all will be rolled back (the same as the oral French) and replaced by a continuous control total because of the health crisis, the Covid-19, the oral catch-up does not undergo a major change this year. As specified by the ministry of national Education at the end of June, these oral however, will have to “respect scrupulously the health protocol in force.” It will therefore be necessary that the students stand at one meter of the organizers, without that the mask is necessarily mandatory. It should be noted that the containment will also be taken into account in the choice of subjects, since the students are to be questioned only on what they have seen in class. The website of the ministry also explained that the school leaders will provide the examiners with a “summary sheet elements of the programs covered in the chosen discipline at the oral catch-up”.

as a reminder, students accessing the catch-up must have a note of the ferry between 8 and 10. Calculated on the basis of the average of the year, this note is then re-evaluated by the juries and review committees for harmonization. For the 730 000 candidates for the diploma this year, the date of the result of the first session of the tray 2020 (alias “first group”) must be communicated to the Tuesday 7 July. The result of the bachelor’s degree will be available online for all of the academies, and will notably be available for free via this special page on which you find yourself. To the side “behind the scenes”, be aware that notes of the tray will actually be established from the beginning of the month of June, in spite of the school holidays set in the evening of Friday, July 3, this year. This precision comes from the ministry of Education at the end of may. In this page “Results of the bac”, find out how he will be evaluated this year as well as the calendar of the dates of the verdict to the bachelor of general or technological bac of French and catch-up.

The oral French is cancelled

The oral test tray of French has passed through the First is cancelled, announced by the minister of national Education Jean-Michel Blanquer on the 28th of may last, to the effect that it would be replaced by a continuous assessment grade is derived from the results of the students in the first two quarters in this matter. A new communicated during the press conference given by the government to submit the Phase 2 of the déconfinement in France (from 2 June to 22 June).

A list of questions/answers is updated regularly by the ministry is online : see here !

terms and therefore a result of the tray 2020 based on what criteria ?

The minister of national Education Jean-Michel Blanquer spoke April 3 on the precise terms of the tray 2020, at a conference on television. He said that he had to be supported the following criteria to make its decision : “1/you Don’t hurt the students” ; “2/Ensure the quality and fairness of the baccalaureate diploma (…) so that it is a real bachelor” ; “3/ensure that there is the maximum of weeks of the course, particularly in the month of June”. In addition to the sanitary criteria, those of the security ; and logistics, those of feasible measures on the ground. in See the detail of the terms and conditions below.

the Result of the tray 2020

This year, the all events of the ibc general, technological and professional is to recall based on the continuous control (except for the oral test tray of French), in other words, on the notes of the booklet of school. For the result of the tray 2020, the rating system, however, remains the same as in previous years, the results of the bachelor’s degree that can give rise to three cases :

1/ to Be admitted directly, to those in which the average reached at least 10/20 2/ Pass a oral catch-up in two subjects, for those whose score is between 8/20 and 10/20 3/ In the case of a mark lower than 8/20, the opportunity to redouble its terminal to iron his tray next year !

When the contents of the tray, they will be rewarded like this :

Honors : between 12 and 14/20 distinction : between 14 and 16/20 Mention very well : between 16 and 20/20 How will be evaluated the students ?

terms of harmonization novel are put in place by the ministry of national Education to remedy the absence of written tests linked to the health crisis of the Covid-19. This is, as explained above, the ongoing monitoring of that premium, and the notes are therefore reviewed by a board of review, who will then prepare final notes (further explanation below). The Figaro Student was able to see the contours of the decree organizing the session 2020 of the tank and its scoring criteria. here is a recap’ below.

marks obtained during the containment (or even during the 3rd quarter) do not count. According to the ministry, for the students in general and technological, “the set of tests will be validated by the score obtained in the concerned disciplines during the three quarters of the year of terminal, with the exception of the marks obtained during the confinement period”. The notes of the events that have already passed in the first are kept. But a doubt persists on the taking into account of the notes in the third quarter to establish the averages of each subject. Dixit Clear Guéville, national secretary of the Snes, the most representative trade union of the second degree : “In the draft text [written by the ministry of Education, who is organizing the session 2020 of the tray and which has been presented to the superior Council of Education in may],” the ministry speaks only of the first two quarters, while the introductory note mentions that the notes granted until march 16, would be taken into account. However, the third quarter began prior to march 16, sometimes even with bins, white”. The annual averages by subject matter. Since the beginning of June, during the class councils at the end of the school year, the teaching staff will have to decide on the averages obtained by the candidates (quarterly and annual) for each subject, and will have to register in the school reports. An information note of the directorate-general of school education, dated 7 may thus indicates : “Under the authority of the head of the school, this annual average for each teaching is mandatory because it will generally be decisive for the score assigned to the corresponding proof by the jury of the bachelor’s degree”. These annual averages by subject area will be assigned to the coefficient provided for the written test of the bachelor’s degree. According to the information note of the directorate-general of school education, and these notes will be rounded to the next whole number”. A provision has already been applied during previous sessions of the tray. in The teacher will write the assessments are very detailed. This review will appear on the school report of every candidate. “She has to be this year particularly detailed. It is indeed an important element to inform the jury on the investment and the progress of the candidate during the training period,” says the information note of the ministry. school reports will be, to the next level, presented to the families of the candidates , before being transferred from the 19 June to the juries of the baccalauréat. A jury will review the school reports to look at “the case of each student” and “ensure alignment between the candidates’ references are maintained This is the board of examination booklets “stop the notes final. This panel will review the school reports, where appropriate, to promote an undertaking, the progress of students, ensure equity among candidates, and check, this is an important point, the attendance of the candidates.” The note from the ministry accessed by The Figaro Etudiant specifies that the juries are going to look into the individual case of each candidate, whose name will be anonymised. Some notes may be increased by several points according to Claire Guéville (Snes), after study of the school report and the assessments contained therein, in particular to enable certain candidates to win a mention. “Everything is possible”, summarizes the manager of the school to the Snes-FSU, the first union of teachers. In the project of the decree it is stated : “The notes to the final result of the deliberation of the jury. The latter can proceed to a revaluation of the notes, continuous control of the applicant when it provides for the establishment of origin of the latter, of the information mentioned in 5° (the rate of success and endorsements allocated for the session in 2019, the tray ED.) The jury may also, for the establishment of the notes final value, a commitment, progress and attendance of the candidate”. The rate of mention and success of the high school of origin of the student will be taken into account by the jury . The latter will also have in its possession, in effect, the rate of success and endorsements that have been given in the applicants ‘ home institution during the session in 2019, the bachelor’s degree. This decision, which has never been, wants to be reassuring for young people in schools to the notes harsh, and who expected to score much higher at the time of the ferry… And therefore to limit the injustices of the potential of continuous monitoring in the tray. For students of colleges, professional high schools : the trials of BEP, CAP, Bac pro), are validated on the basis of the monitoring during the training course already past, and the booklet in school. They are also awarded by a panel of review, chaired in each academy by a university. This panel ensures the harmonization of the ratings and equality of treatment of candidates. “Every school report, every individual situation will be reviewed,” said the ministry. The same logic prevails for the BTS. To catch up : the site departmental specifies that the interrogators will receive instructions so that the students will be questioned only on what has actually been dealt with in the classroom before the confinement, and, if échéant, after the reopening of schools. Consult with other info to catch up. What is the date of the results of the bac ?

According to Le Figaro Etudiant, which is based on a note from the Ministry, the decisions of the juries of the bachelor will be released on Tuesday, July 7 . The site departmental specific instructions will be given to the interrogators, so that the students are questioned on what had actually been dealt with in the classroom prior to the closure of facilities and, where appropriate, after their reopening.

The date of the upcoming results of the tray is initially scheduled for Tuesday, July 7, 2020 , in all the academies, and for all their candidates. Although the tests have been totally disrupted by the crisis of the Covid-19, with the establishment of a quasi-integral of the continuous control, the date of publication of the results of the bac indicated by the ministry of Education remains, for the time that of 7 July. In the meantime, you can find a result to the previous bin with the search engine below by typing in the name of a candidate or a city to discover the list of the admitted.

‘re Looking for a name to see its result to the tray AcadémieAix-MarseilleAmiensBesançonBordeauxCaenclermont-FerrandCorseCréteilDijonGrenobleguadeloupeguyanela RéunionLilleLimogesLyonMartiniquemayottemontpelliernancy-MetzNantesNiceNouvelle-CalédonieOrléans-ToursParisPoitiersPolynésie FrançaiseReimsRennesRouenSaint-Stone-and-MiquelonStrasbourgToulouseVersailleswallis-and-Futuna 20202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007 Results bac Aix-Marseille Academy Results bac Academy of Amiens Results bac Academy of Besançon Results bac Bordeaux Academy Results bac Academy of Caen Results bac Academy of Clermont-Ferrand Results tray of Corsican Results bac Academy of Créteil Results bac Academy of Dijon Results bac Academie Grenoble Results bac Academy of the Guadeloupe Results bac Academy of French Guiana Results bac Academy of The Meeting Results bac Academy of Lille Results bac Academy of Limoges Results bac Academy of Lyon Results bac Academy of Martinique Results bac Academy of Mayotte Results bac Academy of Montpellier Results bac Academy of Nancy-Metz Results bac Academy of Nantes Results bac Academy of Nice Results bac Academy of New Caledonia Results bac Academy of Orleans-Towers Results bac Academy Paris Results bac Academy of Poitiers Results bac Academy of French Polynesia Results bac Academie de Reims Results bac Academy of Rennes Results bac Academie Rouen Results bac Academy of Saint-Pierre-and-Miquelon Results tray Académie de Strasbourg Results-bac Academie de Toulouse Results bac Academy of Versailles Results bac Academy of Wallis-and-Futuna bac Results 2019 by city Paris (75000) Marseille (13000) – Lyon (69000), Toulouse (31000), Nantes (44000) in Bordeaux (33000) Rennes (35000) Strasbourg (67000) Nice (06000) Montpellier (34000) Tours (37000) Caen (14000) Brest (29200) Dijon (21000), Angers (49000), Amiens (80000) Reims (51100), Orléans (45000) Metz (57000) Clermont (63000), Lille (59350) All the results of the bac city-by-city

Attention ! the names of The candidates having failed at the first session or being subject to the catch-up are available only on an individual basis. Each applicant must expressly authorize the beginning of the year of the publication of his name in the list of admitted via a signed document, to appear in these results. The schools of membership of each candidate are more, too, made public by the ministry since 2012. According to final figures provided by the ministry of national Education, 88.1% of 755 900 candidates have been admitted to bac last year , or 0.2 percentage points compared to 2018.

When can we see the result of the bac in French ?

During the previous session of the ibc, the results of the tests anticipated in the tray of French have been disclosed from Monday 8 July. For more information, find on our special page dedicated to the results of the bac français and sciences.

When will be available the result of the tray to the catch-up ?

At the publication of the results of the bac, the candidates know whether or not they should go to events to catch-up or time trials “second group”. The principle of the oral catch-up for the candidates who obtained between 8 and 9.9 is held in the month of July this year , again subject to a notice supportive health, announced the minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer on April 3. About bachelor’s degrees general and technological, the dates of these events must always be spread to all the academies Wednesday 8 to Friday 10 July 2020 included.

The dates and exact times of the oral catch-up are traditionally communicated to the candidate at the place of examination, after you choose the material boards. The result of each correction is then published at the end of the day or half-day place to the test.