Covid-19 “classic” . In its latest opinion, the scientific council Covid-19 provided, however, that “schools do not appear to be amplifiers of transmission : the virus is circulating in the school rather reflects that which is observed in the community”, as shown by a study published in late February in the British Medical Journal. This does not mean that the schools do not play a role in the spread of the virus. In mid-march, the scientific council rappellait as well as the major risk is that of the transmission of Covid-19 by the students to their parents or grand-parents . This transmission is, according to the study ComCor conducted by the Institut Pasteur, rather “the fact of the middle schoolers or high school students” that students in the primary. The health protocol therefore maintained its importance until the closure of schools, especially at meal times.

Number of cases of Covid : the latest national figures from the ministry of Education

The department of Education communicates every Friday on the number of cases of coronavirus in the schools . After the last point of the date, the Friday, march 26 * include :

21 183 cases of Covid confirmed among students (accumulated over seven days), on 12 400 000 students, or 0.17% of them as compared with 15 484 cases the previous week 2 515 cases of covid confirmed among staff at (accumulated over seven days), on 1 162 850 personal 0.22% – versus 1 809 cases the previous week

* data have been arrested in Thursday 13

“30% greater chance” of contracting the Covid-19 in contact with children in school

according To a recent report by , as quoted by franceinfo, the school is a place where the virus is spreading heavily. This report emanates from the reflection group Terranova, close to the center-left. It is estimated that there are “30 % more likely to contract the virus” when one is in contact with school-age children. A risk that would even up to “40 %” if the children are in the nursery. For Terranova, the protocols put in place in schools, therefore, are not sufficient.

school Closure and Covid

From the nursery to high school, the schools close for at least three weeks in France from the Friday, April 2. This closure includes two weeks of school holidays in spring, which underwent a region free : in all of the Hexagon, they range from 12 to 23 April 2021.

What are the latest figures on the classes and schools closed ?

According to the update provided by the ministry of Education on Friday, march 26 (data adopted at Thursday, march 25, 13h), 148 school structures *(61 500, or 0.24%) were closed because of the pandemic of Covid-19 this week, compared to 80 in the previous week. Among these structures, there has 116 schools (50-100), 22 colleges (7 200) and 10 high schools (4 200). 3 256 classes (about 528 400, or 0.6%) were also closed ** on this same week, against 2 018 classes the previous week.

* Public and private under contract

** In school structures open

► For more information on the closures of schools, please visit our dedicated page

health Protocol

The health protocol school against the Covid-19 has undergone numerous changes since its implementation in the spring of 2020. Find his new measures, as well as the most iconic, click our page dedicated to the protocol covid-to-school .

What are the terms and conditions of opening / closing of the schools ?

Here are the elements that characterize each “level” school for the management of Covid-19.

nurseries : they are closed from Friday, April 2 Friday, April 23 included. “Back to school” face-to-face is set for Monday, 26 April. The kindergarten and primary school (in other words, the primary school) : it is closed from Friday, April 2 Friday, April 23 included. “Back to school” face-to-face is set for Monday, 26 April. The college : it is closed from Friday, April 2 Friday, April 30, inclusive. “Back to school” face-to-face is set for Monday, may 3. In high school, it is closed from Friday, April 2 Friday, April 30, inclusive. “Back to school” face-to-face is set for Monday, may 3. Universities : march 31, Emmanuel Macron announced that, despite the closure of schools for three weeks, students who wish to can continue to go to the university one day per week.” The lectures are broadcast in a video conference, but since the 26th of January, the students “who want to” have the opportunity to have face-to-face at least one day per week, with a total capacity to comply with the 20% occupancy. Prime minister Jean Castex has also indicated as early as on October 29, that the work practices could be maintained in the institutions ; and the examinations and competitions, keeping up with a protocol strengthened ; the university restaurants continue to operate, but only for take-away meals ; and the university libraries, to remain open but by appointment and in respect of a gauge.
The 10 march, the minister of higher education Frédér