For, YouGov has conducted an international survey to establish the extent to which people have renounced their vaccines during a public health crisis.

The crisis of the sars coronavirus will it have deleterious effects on the transmission of other diseases, the fact of the lowering of the vaccination rate in the world ? To establish a diagnosis on the extent of the phenomenon, YouGov has conducted a large international study on the topic. The institute has partnered with public health experts from the Institute of Global Health Innovation (IGHI) of Imperial College London to help the health professionals around the world to limit the impact of the epidemic COVID-19. The ongoing investigation, that you unveils in exclusivity, in partnership with YouGov, conducted in 29 countries and allows you to determine the extent to which the citizens of each country to adopt certain behaviors to combat the health crisis.

This analysis is interested in the level of immunizations in 14 countries around the world. In the context of a public health crisis linked to the COVID-19-people are less vaccinated ? And if yes, for what reasons ?

Among the countries studied, Vietnam is one in which one finds the greatest number of deferrals and cancellations of vaccinations because of the COVID-19 : 18% of the population, or almost 1 person on 5 is concerned. In Europe, this rate fluctuates between 3% in the United Kingdom and in Finland and 7% in Spain. In France, we observe a rate of postponement / cancellation of 5%.

In some countries, the majority of deferrals and cancellations have affected children. This is particularly the case in the United States (64%) and Vietnam (68%). Conversely, in Australia and in Germany, this phenomenon has significantly less impact on the minors (respectively 32% and 34%) than adults (respectively 80% and 77%). In France, it is observed that 57% of deferrals and cancellations have affected children, and 39% had an impact on the adults.

For 15% of British households, the fact that the government has stated that the residents had to limit their outings to essential services has been the main reason for the postponement or cancellation of a vaccination. Within this country, to preserve health services for those who really need it is only mentioned by 2% of the population only. In Germany, this is the reverse of the main reason (22%). The concern with the idea of catching the virus at the place of vaccination was also a major obstacle : 21% in Singapore, 15% in France and Australia.

Learn more about the international survey YouGov x Imperial College London, or download the raw data via Github.