wasaki has increased by 497%.

In general, the first symptoms of the Kawasaki disease arrive between 2 to 4 weeks after infection with the coronavirus. It is a fever, significant inflammation at the level of the blood, skin eruptions, specific, strong fatigue, and edema in the extremities. Well-known in pediatrics the Kawasaki disease is usually treated easily, with essentially immunoglobulins. However, with the coronavirus, the children have a certain amount of resistance to immunoglobulins. Therefore, doctors combine this treatment with corticoids.

The symptoms of the Covid are they different in men and women, young or old ?

According to various studies, the symptoms of the Covid-19 may differentiate according to age and sex. Younger patients exhibit symptoms related to disorders ENT and digestive problems. Among the older people, rather, they are symptoms of fatigue, fever and loss of appetite. Beyond the difference of generation, the sex can also cause symptoms that are differentiated. According to a study by the Journal of Internal Medicine, published in April and updated in September, the men would suffer more often from cough and fever, whereas in women, the loss of sense of smell, headaches, nasal congestion and fatigue may be more common.

What is the duration of symptoms of the coronavirus ?

According to the different data and studies, the duration of incubation for the Covid-19 average of 5 days and the symptoms last from 10 to 15 days, except for severe cases requiring hospitalization, or a passage in the icu. Research director Inserm at the Institute Pierre Louis of epidemiology and public health (Inserm / Sorbonne University), Vittoria Colizza has analyzed the onset and duration of symptoms of the Covid to the specialized site The Conversation at the end of August : “It is estimated that the incubation period of the virus is, on the average, 5 days. During the first three days of this period, the person is not yet contagious. It becomes a second time, during the last two days, which constitute the phase-in pre-symptomatic. As its name indicates, it precedes the onset of symptoms. During this last period of time, the infected person spreads the virus around it,” writes the researcher.

“We know that a person who is sick can remain positive on a test for several weeks after the onset of symptoms, but we now tend to think that it is not contagious as long. Tests RT-PCR, a highly sensitive, detect remnants of the virus still present in the body, but it would no longer be infectious. This is why WHO believes that we can allow patients confirmed to leave the isolation for almost 2 weeks after the start of symptoms.”

The symptoms of coronavirus can they be persistent ?

On 22 June, the WHO has acknowledged that “some people have persistent symptoms, such as a dry cough during long-term, fatigue or shortness of breath when walking up stairs.” In France, according to estimates delivered to the AFP by Benjamin Davido, infectious diseases physician at the hospital Raymond-Poincaré de Garches (92), 5 to 10% of patients could be in this situation. This persistence of symptoms has been documented in studies such as in the journal JAMA in July, or The Centers for disease control and prevention of the disease in the United States, who see it as a phenomenon far from being isolated. Once again, these are déréglements immune caused by the Covid that are in question and which, moreover, are already well documented for other viruses, such as SARS-CoV-1, mononucleosis, or even Ebola. Among the persistent symptoms of the most common one is chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, body aches, headache…

“We have a lot of patients who are suffering from the resurgence of their symptoms,” said on franceinfo Nicolas Barizien, head of the department of functional rehabilitation at the hospital Foch de Suresnes (92). “These are symptoms that are not severe, but that need to be addressed quickly so that they do not become chronic”. To alleviate these symptoms, the doctor has put in place “Rehab-Covid”, a program of rehabilitation after the infection. “The first thing we do is to check that they are not a relapse or that they do not have a scar lung of their Covid and most of the time they go well,” said the specialist. According to him, “the machine is out of balance, it is for this reason that it is a lot of rehabilitation, respiratory and muscle to re-adjust all of the functions cardio.”

Some patients feel yet neglected. The former mayor of Valdoie in territoire de Belfort spoke at the microphone of France Blue. Corinne Coudreau says that it has “regular attacks of the disease”. “The time for ten days I seem to be healed, and then suddenly, I am very tired, with muscle aches everywhere over periods which can range from one to 15 days.” explains the former to be elected. This extension of the disease prevents her from knowing if she will regain her old life : “one has the impression that, as soon as we are going to do something, we will pay it after, and it is often the case. Result, we do not dare to do business and is found in a kind of lethargy.” The persistence ofe these symptoms impact morally those who are suffering. A woman affected has told France Bleu that her doctor had prescribed antidepressants, and she was sick for six months. “What I weigh morally it is not being able to return to work.” For her, it is as if she was “leaving the company”. In order to shine light on his situation, as well as those victims of the disease in the long term, Corinne Coudreau has contacted the deputy of territoire de Belfort Michel Zumkeller. This last has traced this situation during a session of questions to the government on Tuesday 15 September. In response, the minister of Health Olivier Veran has stated that studies were in progress. “It takes a particular time to talk about it and that we will offers, if not solutions, at least, a caution, a consideration,” adds the former to be elected.

The stories in the media continue to multiply in these syndromes persistent. Pauline Oustric is sick now for six months. She caught the coronavirus on march 19, by going to work. This last has told of her ordeal to Crude, in partnership with France Télévisions on October 1, 2020. “At the beginning, it was coughing and fatigue and headache, and now it is mainly respiratory distress, shortness of breath, severe pain in the chest as if, in fact, I had a hot stone that swelled, and that was crushing me more and more,” explains the young woman of 27 years old. These symptoms prevent her from living alone. “I can’t live all alone, suddenly, at the age of 27, I returned to live at home with my parents, I have totally changed my pace of life and I hope to be able to resume a normal rhythm. So I’ll bounce back, I’m motivated, I’m optimistic, I’m going to bounce back, but this is not easy,” she said. Pauline has joined the group #aprèsj20 on the social networks, that bring together people affected by the symptoms for several months after contamination. The members want a better recognition of the signs of the disease, as well as support of patients. Pauline is followed by dr. Nicolas Barizien. The latter is at the origin of the program Rehab Covid that allows you to keep track of individuals suffering from symptoms for a long time. “It’s important to help ensure that this recovery is very, very long is a little bit accelerated by a support adapted,” said the doctor Gross.

What are the aftereffects of the sars coronavirus ?

The coronavirus can lead to different levels of sequelae. Xavier Lescure, professor and infectious diseases physician at the hospital Bichat in Paris, said on FranceInfo : “We do not think that there are after-effects for the people that had weak symptoms”. In contrast, in patients severely affected, the consequences will be indelible. The lungs are the first organs affected. A 3D video (carried out by researchers of the university hospital George Washington in the United States) reveals that the lung tissue is very greatly damaged in patients severely affected. Keith Mortman, chief of the department of thoracic surgery, has theorized : “When this inflammation is reduced, it leaves scars on the lungs and creates long-term damage. This may deteriorate the capacity breathing of a patient in the future.” The autopsies confirm that patients seriously affected develop fibrosis of the lung. Xavier Lescure explained : “We see that people who die have large lesions associated with inflammation of the lungs.”

Since the summer of 2020, several physicians in France and abroad are also concerned about the sequelae of somatic or psychological which emerge several months after the beginning of the pandemic in many countries of the world. these last are not yet fully documented.

What to do in case of symptoms ? The online assessments

It is sometimes difficult to know how to react to symptoms suggestive of Covid-19. To address some of the questions, the Government has put a questionnaire online for the best guidance possible for the sick potential. With the same objective of reassuring the sick, the national Agency of the drug (MSNA) has put online a simple questionnaire which enables you to know the effects of a treatment on the virus. The platform AlloCovid, launched at the end of April, is a tool that allows you to refer patients. Available by phone, at 0 806 800 540 (price of a local call), this service does not require a smartphone or an internet connection. A bot phone asking you a series of questions, often closed, on your general condition. AlloCovid “allows you, via a questionnaire, of three minutes maximum, to every citizen to be informed and oriented, 24 hours on 24 and 7 days on 7, on what to do in case of symptoms, stay home, call his doctor or, if necessary, to call without waiting for the 15”, has explained, at Paris, professor Xavier Jouven, a cardiologist and researcher at the Inserm.

When and how to test for the Covid-19 ?

What to do in case of symptoms ? The ministry of Solidarity and the Health enjoined the French with symptoms of the Covid-19 to “act”. In case of any symptoms, even weak, good approaches, which are listed on the site Ameli, health Insurance, are the following :

isolation, without delay, keep away people, including those of his entourage, wearing a mask in the case of output, contact the attending physician or, in his absence, u