This is a small revolution that has hit the shelves of our stores a few months ago. Entry into force in the beginning of the year, the law of supply (the so-called Egalim) prohibited marks and signs of the use of the word “free” in the context of their trade policies. Finished so the buy 1 get 1 free” so familiar to the consumer. And this has not gone unnoticed.
According to the latest wave of the Observatory of the image price and promo conducted in mid-June by Bonial and Editions Dauvers, all brands – Leclerc Match, passing by Lidl, Auchan, Carrefour, IntermarchĂ©, GĂ©ant, or U – have seen their image promo decline since December. So much so that the act power has also increased by 10% the threshold of resale at a loss (PRS) on the food and limited the discount to 25% of the volume of a product (34% in value).
” READ ALSO – the war of The promos intensifies diapers, detergents and shampoos
“there is a widespread decrease in notes that confirms what we …