Training rooms across Quebec are busier than ever, because for the first time since 2020, those who have the resolution to be in better shape have access to start the year on the right foot.

“It’s been two years since we last experienced the craze of January, we are feverish. There are a lot of people, we’re really happy,” says Laurie Bellerive, owner of the T-R Athletic Center, whose two facilities are in Mauricie.

Pandemic and resolutions

With the end of health restrictions linked to the pandemic, training rooms are particularly in demand at this time of year, physical activity being one of the most popular resolutions of Quebecers, as reported by a Léger survey published in Le Newspaper Monday.

Serge Poirier, the owner of the Halteres et Go gym in Rosemont, took a few minutes to chat on Tuesday, before someone showed up at the counter for a subscription.

“January will be a very good month for subscriptions, people are calling a lot, they are writing to us for details and to subscribe,” he comments.

After Hollidays

Many gym owners mentioned to the Journal that the end of the Christmas holidays, however, would mark the real kick-off for 2023 resolutions.

“As of next week, we should see some new faces. There is already a craze that we haven’t seen for two years [at the same date] and it’s nice, “explains Aurélien Malod, owner of the Gym du Plateau, in Montreal.

Despite all the goodwill, New Year’s resolutions often run out of steam after three weeks. However, certain actions can be put in place to ensure that you are in good shape all year round.

“It’s better to go less, but to keep a good rhythm and find what hooks us in training,” explains François Deshaies, owner of Gymnase Drummond.