The Minister for Transport, Mobility and the Urban Agenda, Raquel Sánchez, has described 2023 as a “decisive” year, when defending the Sustainable Mobility Law, with which it is intended to recognize “that mobility can be exercised as a right of citizens” and thus “that everyone, regardless of where they live, can have a response to their mobility needs”.

This was stated this Sunday, January 1, by the minister in an interview on Onda Cero, collected by Europa Press, in which she reaffirmed the need to “change” mobility habits and make it “more sustainable and decarbonized”.

“People must bet more and more on public transport, and in this area, we bet on the train and the railway. In 2022, we introduced the free railway and this year we maintain it, which is an opportunity to trust the services public,” he said.

Raquel Sánchez has defended that the train is the “most sustainable, efficient and safe” means of transport and has highlighted its “competitive times compared to the plane”, for which reason this law proposes “a sustainable design of the railway map”. “We are the second country in the world, behind China, in High Speed ​​Network. We are focused on offering better services”, she underlined.

In this sense, he added that the Government’s Mobility Law “has been applauded by the European Commission” and explains that the standard establishes “the new mobility pyramid that prioritizes mobility on foot, public transport, and finally private transport”.

Regarding the role of Spain in the objectives of the EU’s green pact, the minister praised Spain’s leadership and assured that one of the challenges is to “set shared objectives” to advance “all countries together”.