uées by the government ?

The forecast for the year 2021 are catastrophic. senator LR of the Indre-et-Loire Serge Barbary, relayed by Publicsenat.fr, is estimated that 40 % of the bars and restaurants may not reopen in 2021 : “the situation of these institutions will become dramatic from now on. The difficult period, it’s going to be February-march, when these companies have exhausted their treasuries”.

according To a survey conducted in November by four representative professional organisations in the sector (CNG, GNI, Umih, SNRTC), the crisis of the coronavirus could lead to the closure of 2 institutions 3 in the sector of hospitality . 30 % of companies in the sector of the restoration intend to file for bankruptcy in 2021, sometimes in the first quarter.

What are the fines and other sanctions for restaurants clandestine ?

Although for some restaurateurs, remain open is an “act of resistance”, the minister of the Economy does not hear as well : “it is extremely hard for restaurant owners, morally and economically, but it does not justify not comply with the rules, which are rules health,” he explained at the microphone of RTL, announcing that the restaurants that break the rules by opening their doors to customers to see their access to the bottom of solidarity suspended for a month and definitely in the case of recurrence . Also, a fine endorse these facilities opened illegally, to the tune of € 500 € 200 before . If the fine is not paid within the allotted time, the amount is up to 1 000 euros, compared to 450 euros previously.

135 euros for the customers of restaurants clandestine

customers who take the risk to visit these restaurants clandestine are also exposes them to penalties, with fines of up to 135 euros. However, there are exceptions : restaurants for road and building professionals have the right to remain open, “by way of derogation, on consent of the prefect, and in compliance health conditions strict”.

What financial aid for the professionals of the restoration ?

The State is continuing to help the professionals of the restoration, as well as other sectors heavily affected by the crisis, prolonging the solidarity fund and the part-time unemployment, and announcing new measures of financial compensations :

solidarity Fund : “ a new form to the aid of December,” is “available since 15 January 2021 ” was announced by the minister of the Economy. The payments will be possible since 18 January. The product of the takeaway and delivery at home, is no longer integrated in the calculation of the turnover of reference . It is thus not deductible from the solidarity fund. This facility is from the month of December 2020 and will remain the rule “, explained Bruno Le Maire. part-time Unemployment : the minister of Labour Elisabeth Terminal has announced that for the businesses that are totally closed as the restaurants, or partially, as the shops during the curfew, the State continues to support 100% of the compensation paid to employees. Elisabeth Terminal was also announced in a previous press conference an exceptional aid of 900 euros per month, for seasonal contracts-courts as extras in the restoration, and some temporary workers affected by the closure of bars and restaurants. The providers of restaurants and cafes have the right, if they lose 70% of their turnover, to aid in the limit of 20% of their sales turnover for an amount of up to eur 200 000, with no limit on the number of employees for the month of December 2020. fixed Costs : the State now supports fixed for companies generating more than a million sales per month, announced Bruno Le Maire on Thursday 14 January. “This exceptional assistance” is “capped at € 3 million for the period from January to June 2021,” said the minister of Economy. Exemptions from social contributions : “the goal is zero support for the social enterprises heavily penalized in the culture, the sports, the events, the catering, the hotel trade,” said Bruno Le Maire.

the End of 2020, the Prime minister was reassuring for the new year : “ 2021 will be the year of the French cuisine “. Advocating for “valuing the know-how of our bars and restaurants,” or to “help them update their tool of work”, the Prime minister had made reference to”a person qualified to prepare this great site, in close link with the professionals”.

restaurants remain open for take-aways during the curfew