The third vice president of the Government and minister for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Teresa Ribera, has warned electricity companies that “bluster is not advisable.”

He said this in an interview this Monday in the newspaper ‘Ara’ collected by Europa Press when asked if he sees it as blackmail for operators to transfer their investments abroad given the Government’s intentions to make the extraordinary tax on electricity companies permanent.

For the vice president, companies “have said quite absurd things and tended to describe what they do not like as ideological,” which is why she urged them to explain themselves in a good tone and not in such an angry way, in her words.

He has maintained that having “grown very significantly in profits thanks, precisely, to Spanish citizens and consumers”, the operators should feel a certain shame, literally, when they are asked to dedicate part of their extraordinary profits to lightening the bill. .

Likewise, he has defended the tax for the “modernization of the energy system” in Spain, a fact that amounts to around 30,000 million annually, although he has recalled that this is one of the measures that had to be approved with the new General State Budgets ( PGE), which the Government resigned after the Catalan elections progressed.