SHOOTING STARS – The night of July 29, is conducive to the observation of shooting stars. It is indeed the day of the rain of Delta Aquarides, where a score of these astral phenomena will occur every hour. Discover how to take advantage of this exceptional evening.

Summary Observation of the Delta Aquarides what is the Perseids ? Shooting stars 12-13 August : at what time ? How to observe ? Meaning of a shooting star Next shooting stars > Orionides > Leonids > Géminides > Ursides > Quadrantides > Lyrides > Eta aquarides

[updated July 29, 2020 at 20h09] From mid-July to mid-August is the season of the shooting stars. But the perfect time to observe the sky with attention this year is on Wednesday 29th of July 2020. This night marks the peak of activity for the period of shooting stars, the Delta aquarides of the South, the name of the swarm meteoric that occurs in the sky every year. This 29 July, therefore, is the propitious moment to watch the meteor shower that will cross the celestial sphere at the rate of 25 per hour.

In addition to the shooting stars, you will also observe the comet Neowise, dubbed the “comet of the year” 2020 ” and visible in the sky of the northern hemisphere currently. Notice to the lovers of astronomy, this Wednesday, July 29th is the night not to be missed to enjoy the shooting stars, marvel at the sky and enjoy it to make wishes. Discover, below, our advice is to observe these shooting stars in the best conditions, and the program of the summer .

How to watch the rain of shooting stars of the Delta Aquarides ?

the position of The radiant of the swarm, meteor and Delta Aquarides of the south is located within the constellation of Aquarius, called Aquarius . It is thus necessary to look in the direction of the Aquarius constellation located between Scorpio to the west and the Fish is between 21 hours and up to the dawn of Wednesday July 29, 2020 at night. No equipment is required for the observation of these stars, it is enough to lift eyes to the sky provided with a sky map or a mobile app (SkySafari on Google Play or the Night Sky in the Appstore) to identify the constellation.

If you miss the show, no worries, other shooting stars cross the sky this summer. Since mid-July, the Perseids, the most spectacular shower of shooting stars of the year, is also output, and will be especially visible on the night of August 12 to 13, 2020. Indeed, if this astronomical phenomenon extends in reality from 17 July to 26 August 2020, it is intensifying, particularly on the night of August 12 to 13, where you can see up to 100 shooting stars per hour. But where does it come from ? The study of the orbit of the comet Swift-Tuttle, after its passage near the Earth in August, 1862, had led the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli (1835-1910) discovered that the orbit was nearly identical to that of the swarm of dust responsible for the Perseids.

what is the rain of shooting stars of the Perseids ?

Made up of debris from the comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle, the rain of shooting stars of the Perseids is the most famous of the year because one of the most active. This swarm meteorite in the constellation of Perseus runs from 17 July to 26 August this year 2020, with a peak of activity in the night of 12 to August 13. It is the most dramatic of all, with 100 shooting stars observable at the time !

what time to see the Perseids from Wednesday 12 August Thursday 13 August ?

It’ll have to be awake early in the night before the rising of the Moon, until 1: 30, to watch the shooting stars the night of Wednesday 12 August Thursday 13 August. In fact, the light of the Moon interferes with the observations and makes invisible the shooting stars. However, if you watch the shooting stars after the rising of the Moon, move if possible back to the Moon. The brightness should not interfere with the observation of meteors more visible, especially if you manage to be away from the city centres or points of light. When you see a meteor, multiply the vows, a tradition well known !

below you will Find all the advice necessary for a good preparation and a good observation of the stars. Lovers of photography will learn all the tricks needed to capture these ballets, fairy-like celestial.

How to watch the shooting stars ?

No danger or need for a specific equipment ! The Perseids are visible to the naked eye by everyone. So there is no need to break out the binoculars or the telescope, given the high speed at which parade the fireballs in the earth’s atmosphere (an average of 50 km/hour). About a quarter of the shooting stars leave trails visible for several seconds. To be able to observe this rain of falling stars in an optimum manner, it is not necessary that the sky be obscured by clouds.

If the Perseids are visible to the naked eye, however, it is not obvious, once outside, to know where to direct his gaze. In a first time, be sure to be placed back to the Moon far from toute pollution source of light. A good council ? The site LightPollution Map can help people to identify the darkest areas and therefore, points of view, optimal to observation. Finally, to find the famous summer Triangle, Florent Deleflie, an astronomer at the Observatory of Paris, advises to look at “full and low on the horizon”. A sky map will be useful to you, or a mobile application that calculates in real time the position of the stars visible from Earth. If you are already initiated into astronomy, look for the constellation Perseus and Cassiopeia located above it in the sky. The radiant, that is to say, the place seems to be from the rain of shooting stars of the Perseids, will be in the middle of the two constellations.

View the hints

How to photograph the stars ?

What is the meaning of a shooting star ?

The tradition of stellar, which takes place each year at the same period, will continue, but beware of confusion : there is obviously no”star” per se, but of the dust of asteroids that pass close to our planet, and some of which come into “collision” with the Earth. The shooting stars have nothing to do with the stars. It is a comet off, or an asteroid that, when moving, leaves behind a large number of debris.

luminous Phenomena, shooting stars (or meteors) appear, and each time that tiny meteorites come in contact with the dense layers of the atmosphere, at speeds ranging from 15 to 70 km per second. Due to the friction of the air, these dust – sometimes pebbles, more or less large – become incandescent before they volatilize. Thrilled with their passage, the air becomes luminous, giving the impression of persistent trains seeming to come from the same place in the sky : the constellation of the Lyre for the Lyrides, that of Orion for the Orionides, of Perseus for the Perseids, the Lion, the Leonids or Gemini for Géminides…

The next shooting stars