Purchase 435 MW of photovoltaic modules at 0.0911 euros per space


Solaria has made the best purchase of photovoltaic modules in its history, at a price of 9.11 euro cents per watt, from a top-level manufacturer.

This price level, as detailed by the company, represents an improvement of 2.15% compared to the last purchase in December 2023 and a reduction of 71% compared to 2022 prices,” which highlights the continuous improvement of the competitiveness of photovoltaic technology.”

Specifically, Solaria has purchased 435 megawatts (MW) of photovoltaic modules at a price of 0.0911 euros per watt from a ‘Tier 1’ manufacturer.

Solaria will install these modules in its 700 MW Garoña project, in Burgos, during 2024.

In this way, the firm will replace the 460 MW Santa María de Garoña nuclear power plant, which has completed its useful life – 41 years -, with a green energy facility, which does not generate polluting emissions and, above all, “a lot cheaper and more available to the citizen.

The project, which began construction last March after receiving the necessary authorizations, is financed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and Banco Santander.

The company has highlighted that the four plants that make up this project will generate “great economic benefits”, given that they will generate an income of 650 million euros in total for the Public Administrations during the 30 years of useful life of the plant.

On the other hand, 2,400 jobs will be created during the construction of the park, “always prioritizing local employment, in addition to the creation of indirect employment.”

This photovoltaic solar park will produce electricity equivalent to the annual consumption of the entire province of Burgos, that is, it will be capable of supplying 300,000 homes.