Sophie Cadieux joins the cast of Chouchou, a fictional film written by author Simon Boulerice which will air on Noovo this fall.
The actress is currently giving the reply to Evelyne Brochu, Lévi Doré and Steve Laplante, who had already been confirmed earlier this spring in their respective roles.
Chouchou, Simon Boulerice’s first non-children’s fiction, focuses on French teacher Chanelle “Choucou” Chouinard (Evelyne Brochu), 37, who develops feelings for Sandrick (Lévi Doré), a 17-year-old student both confident and fragile. Sophie Cadieux plays Sandrick’s mother, a loving woman, but inadequate due to her fondness for alcohol. As for Steve Laplante, he is the husband of Chanelle.
“Chanelle’s gesture is certainly reprehensible, but I think we see her vertigo. She will fight the desire she feels. We can, to different degrees, identify with this loss of bearings, we will immediately have empathy for it, saying to ourselves: “don’t go there!”, people will disapprove, but they will see the watermark the premise of a real forbidden love story”, had indicated Simon Boulerice a few weeks before the start of filming.
We also confirmed on Tuesday the rest of the cast, which counts on the services of actors Patrick Emmanuel Abellard, Lise Castonguay, Josée Deschênes, Kathleen Fortin, Karine Gonthier-Hyndman, Nora Guerch, Ariel Ifergan, Ambre Jabrane, Evelyne Laferrière, Joëlle Paré -Beaulieu, Pascale Renaud-Hébert, Luc Senay, Monique Spaziani and Marie-Hélène Thibault.
The eight episodes are directed by Marie-Claude Blouin and Félix Tétreault. Produced by Passer Go (Le chalet, Pour Toujours plus un jour), in collaboration with Bell Media, Chouchou will be broadcast on Noovo next fall.