In Balares and Madrid, more than 60% is allocated, double what is recommended


Spaniards dedicated an average of 43% of their gross salary to paying the rent for their home in 2023, compared to the 41% they dedicated in 2022, the highest percentage in the last five years, according to a study by Fotocasa.

The study was based on data on the average salaries of job offers from the InfoJobs platform and on the average prices of rental housing from the Fotocasa Real Estate Index.

Specifically, the price of rental housing in Spain closed 2023 with an annual increase of 5.7% and placed the price in December at 11.66 euros per square meter per month.

Thus, taking the average gross salary in Spain recorded by InfoJobs as a reference, which in 2023 was 26,245 euros (2,187 euros gross per month if we divide it into 12 payments), Spaniards had to dedicate 43% of their salary to paying for a home. of 80 square meters for rent, the highest percentage in the last five years.

This figure of 43% is well above what is recommended by European control bodies, which establish that no more than 30% of your salary should be allocated to paying for housing, explains the director of studies and spokesperson for Fotocasa, María Matos. .

“Practically throughout Spain, except in two communities, the disbursement to pay rent is at harmful levels,” he added.

For her part, the director of communication and studies at InfoJobs, Mónica Pérez, has highlighted the rise in inflation in the last two years. “Especially in 2022, when purchasing power has decreased and continues to affect the living conditions of working people,” she said.

By region, in 13 autonomous communities the money allocated to paying rent has increased in the last year, while, in two of them, the percentage has decreased.

In the Balearic Islands, one of the communities that allocates the highest percentage of its salary to paying rent, it has gone from allocating 52% of gross salary in 2022 to 63% in 2023.

Thus, the ranking of the autonomous communities that dedicate the most money from their salaries to paying the rent of a home of 80 square meters is led by the Balearic Islands (63% of the gross salary), followed by Madrid (62%), Catalonia (58% ), Basque Country (54%) and Canary Islands (51%).

Below 50% are Comunitat Valenciana (44%), Cantabria (42%), Navarra (40%), Andalusia (36%), Aragon (35%), Castilla y León (34%), Galicia (33% ), Asturias (32%), La Rioja (30%), Region of Murcia (30%), Castilla-La Mancha (25%) and Extremadura (23%), which close the table.

The ranking of the ten provinces that dedicate the most salary to paying rent for a home of 80 square meters is headed by Barcelona (65% of the gross salary), followed by the Balearic Islands (63%), Madrid (62%), Guipúzcoa (60 %), Las Palmas (53%), Vizcaya (52%), Valencia (50%), Santa Cruz de Tenerife (50%), Málaga (49%) and Girona (48%).

On the other hand, the provinces that allocate less gross salary to the payment of rental housing are Ciudad Real (19%), Jaén (21%), Cáceres (21%), Ourense (23%), Albacete (23%), Badajoz (23%), Córdoba (25%), Teruel (26%), Lugo (26%), Almería (27%), Castellón (28%), Palencia (29%), Lleida (29%), Murcia (30 %), León (30%) and La Rioja (30%).