While he was leading 0-2 thanks to Jeremy Doku (64th) and a SCC of Lucas Bijker (75th), Anderlecht has shared the challenge on Sunday in Mechelen (2-2). Igor De Camargo (83rd) and Jordi Vanlerberghe (85th) were ripped off the point of the null to the KVM (2-2). “We had the result in hand “, said Frankie Vercauteren at the microphone of our colleagues from Eleven Sports. “There is not that the individual errors in the RSCA… there’s also the collective problems : my players were running behind the ball, and they did not always know who to go to seek. The visited we have bored a good part of the game “.

An appointment has particularly attracted attention in the first selection Anderlecht : Landry Dimata was its re-emergence after 18 months. However, the first approach to the goal of Mechelen has been to Doku, that has been launched by Killian Sardella, without that it does not pose a big problem to Gaëtan Coucke (2nd). However, Hendrik Van Crombrugge has been the more solicited by sending Rob Schoofs (4th). Poor during the preparation, the Kavé was more enthusiastic and sure of himself. He has tinkered a few occasions relying on the punch of Nikola Storm (12th) and the peak velocity of William Togui (13th).