TaxiCoin, a new taxi service application, has begun to provide service in Madrid to compete with the main VTC platforms, such as Uber and Cabify, after presenting the app last March in Vitoria but ultimately failing to operate in that city. .

The company defends being the first platform that puts the interests of taxi drivers “at the center of its business”, so among its objectives is “promoting the union of the industry and offering effective solutions that allow them (taxi drivers) compete on equal terms with emerging players”.

“To grow, it is necessary to listen to the different voices within the sector and join forces to evolve in the same direction,” said the company’s co-founder and CEO, Alain Mateo.

The new app offers a flexible model, without requiring exclusivity or forcing you to label your vehicles and with a rewards system. The main objective, explains TaxiCoin, is to encourage taxi drivers to provide the best service, being able to access a series of benefits and sponsorships if they obtain positive reviews for their service.

One of the main novelties of this platform is that it makes a digital wallet available to customers within the application, to be able to pay with cryptocurrencies (including the company’s native digital currency, TXC), in addition to cash and card.

Likewise, the app seeks to improve geolocation through technology to avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary trips by the user, facilitating communication between the taxi driver and the client.

Finally, as part of the business strategy, TaxiCoin is establishing collaborations with Spanish brands with the aim of benefiting both taxi drivers and users, offering products and services during their trips and serving, at the same time, as a shuttle for young brands that They have just entered the market and are looking to promote themselves.