The price of public transport is maintained and mortgages will accompany the rise in the Euribor


The year 2023 will start with increases in the prices of the rates of the main telecommunications companies, stamps, highway tolls (although below inflation and the committed amount) and automobiles, and with the Euribor around at 3%, which will make the cost of mortgages in Spain more expensive.

In addition, regulated gas tariffs will also increase with the new year. Specifically, the Last Resort Rate (TUR) will rise by 8.67% with respect to the value in force until October.

For its part, the electricity market will give a truce next year, after registering several records during 2022, and it remains to be seen if food prices are reduced with the entry into force of the latest anti-crisis package, which includes the elimination of VAT in certain basic products (milk, eggs, bread, flour, fruits, vegetables, and legumes) and a reduction of 10% to 5% for olive oil and pasta.

Specifically, toll motorway rates will rise by 4% on the AP-51, AP-61, AP-53, AP-66, AP-7 Alicante-Cartagena, AP-7 Málaga-Guadiaro, AP-68 and AP-71, AP-9, AP-6 and AP-46 and will remain frozen in those that the State rescued in 2017 (radials 2, 3, 4 and 5, M-12, AP-41, AP-36 and the AP -7 Beltway of Alicante and Cartagena-Vera).

However, in those that rise by 4%, the Government will have to financially compensate the private companies that manage them, since the committed increase should have been 8.4% (in some cases 9.46%).

The main telecommunications operators will also increase their prices from January, due to the “growing” costs of providing the service.

Movistar will raise its fees in Spain by 6.8% on average, while Vodafone will do so by 6.5%, with a four-euro rise in its rates. The increase in costs in both companies would be below the inflation of the last 12 months.

The 12-month Euribor will foreseeably close the month of December at 3%, which means that throughout 2022 it has increased 3.48 points and that it will be at levels not recorded since 2008, according to the iAhorro comparator.

By 2023, this comparator believes that the index will be around 3%. “The feelings for 2023 that the entities transmit to us is that the Euribor will continue to rise, but very slowly, and the usual thing will be to see mortgage rates also around 3%,” explains the comparator.

However, HelpMyCash calculates that during the first six months of 2023 the rates will reach 3%, which would cause the Euribor to reach 3.5% in June. This would mean, in turn, that fixed-rate mortgages would reach 4% or 5%.

Tensions in the supply chain and energy, logistics and raw material costs will continue to have an “impact” on the automotive sector in 2023 and, “even if there is some improvement”, uncertainty will continue to occupy a “preponderant role” in what Regarding car prices, something that will also have an influence on how supply recovers.

Thus, with regard to car prices for 2023, it is expected that, “although in a somewhat more moderate way, they will continue their upward trend,” according to sources in the sector have pointed out to Europa Press.

All transport will be fully or partially subsidized, after the aid approved by the Government to make certain modes of transport under state jurisdiction free of charge or to partly finance discounts on regional and local transport.

Specifically, the Cercanías, and in Catalonia the Rodalies, as well as the Media Distancia trains, will be free. The Avant will have a 50% reduction and some long-distance buses will also have no cost, all this only for regular users.

For their part, the metros, trams and buses of regional and municipal jurisdiction will have a minimum discount of 50%, provided that their corresponding season tickets are purchased, 30% financed by the State and a minimum of 20% by the entity. competent.

Finally, postage stamps to send standard postcards weighing up to twenty grams to national destinations will cost 0.78 euros, which represents a 4% increase compared to the 0.75 euros that were paid in 2022.