Telefónica, Orange and Vodafone have partnered with Ericsson to provide access to advanced 5G functions on their networks for the development of ultra-high-quality video and gaming applications, through APIs.

The goal is for all three operators to use the same QoD API, defined, developed and documented in ‘Cámara’, the open source project promoted by the Linux Foundation in collaboration with the GSMA, which is available for all operators to implement and has been launched this Monday at Mobile World Congress.

The three telecom operators are developing their own roadmaps that incorporate common service APIs to be made available to developers.

“Having open network APIs from different operators, harmonized and accessible from a single place, eliminates friction for software developers and unleashes innovation and creativity for many use cases”, underlined the director of Technology of Orange, Laurent Leboucher.

For his part, Telefónica’s Director of Technology, Enrique Blanco, stressed that the demonstration will lay the foundations for a new business model, since these ‘APIs’ aspire to become a new source of income for operators.

Along these lines, Vodafone’s Network Architecture Director, Yago Tenorio, stressed that current networks have much more capacity than basic connectivity functions and for this reason he has highlighted the importance of bringing innovation to the network.

To do this, it has pointed out several use cases such as supporting banks to detect unusual transactions, enabling safer flight paths for emergency drones or extending the battery life of smartphones.