The Minister of Employment, Business and Self-Employment of the Government of Andalusia, RocĂ­o Blanco, has opted this Monday for the temporary suspension of unemployment benefits for those who reject an “adequate” job offer. “It seems to me that we have to act there, not as an autonomous community, because we have no jurisdiction, but I do understand that at the national level, using the law of infractions and sanctions,” she pointed out.

This was expressed during a conference organized by Europa Press, in Seville, at the headquarters of the Cajasol Foundation, called ‘Andalusia towards the future’, in which he participated in a round table on employability and training.

“In this way, anyone who rejects a suitable job offer could see their benefit suspended for three months the first time, for six months the second time or completely terminated during the third time,” highlighted the head of Employment.

“It is difficult to determine what an adequate job offer is, it is a certainly indeterminate concept and may entail some non-legal discussion, but we do have to go along that line and not the one that the Ministry of Labor intends right now,” which is going to propitiate “the poverty trap for more than 400,000 people.”

“If the unemployment benefit is increased, if the number of beneficiaries it will go to increases, people who right now were not considered elderly (under 45 years of age without family responsibilities), we are talking about it being able to increase one point the level of unemployed in Andalusia and that is really not good”, added the counselor.

In his opinion, it is necessary to make the unemployment benefit or subsidy compatible with an employed job, as exists in other countries, such as Germany, Italy, so that it is an “incentive”, that the first month they are receiving both. things and little by little there is a shift in the benefit and little by little one can join the labor market and that subsidy will decrease.

“If a person is unemployed for a year, they have a 47% lower chance of joining the job. But if they are unemployed for more than two years, the chances of entering the labor market increase by 11%. Therefore, I believe that we have, on the one hand, to act in active employment policies, in training, but we also have to act from the point of view of passive employment policies,” he added.

On this point, the president of the Andalusian Federation of Women Entrepreneurs, Ana Alonso, who has also participated in this round table, has shown harmony with the Department of Employment. “I understand that opening a debate about what happens to those people, those who have the possibility of working and it does not compensate them, would be very, very reasonable,” she stressed.

Likewise, she has been in favor of opening the debate about the efforts that everyone makes to help ensure that those people “who could have a job do not access it because it is more convenient, it is customary or they find it more difficult to access it.” In this sense, she has assured that she is “absolutely in favor of rationalizing unemployment benefits.”