The bank has already trained 70,000 employees, almost half of the sector’s workforce, to attend in a specialized and adapted manner to the group of older people, as can be seen from the annual monitoring report on the measures aimed at improving personalized attention of the elderly or people with disabilities, prepared by the bank employers, and to which Europa Press has had access.

The Spanish Banking Association (AEB), the Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks (CECA) and the National Union of Credit Cooperatives (Unacc) have highlighted that they have offered 466,000 hours of training to their workers. This means that each employee has received more than six and a half hours of training to better serve the elderly.

The document also indicates that in December 2022, the number of branches that operated with extended cashier hours had doubled compared to December 2021. Specifically, 81% of the total had longer hours than 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. .

The employers have also indicated that the focus has been placed on the personalized telephone service. Since the implementation of the measures, 2.4 million calls from customers over 65 years of age have been answered by telephone, which represents an average of 6,575 calls per day. In addition, more than 90% of the branches already have a telephone service from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Regarding the adaptation of ATMs, 91% of the total ATM network is adapted for the elderly and more than 80% of the entities have adapted their digital channels with language and simplified visual elements, both on the web and on mobile phones. .

In the field of training, more than 245,000 customers over the age of 65 have received financial, digital or fraud prevention training. In addition, the banks have trained 70,000 of their employees, 44% of the total, in forms of attention adapted to the older group.

The employers have highlighted that the sector maintains a “continuous dialogue” with the group of older people and people with disabilities, through different meetings and participation in different forums. To respond quickly and adequately to the needs of these groups, as stated in another of the commitments of financial institutions that all customers over 65 who have a passbook or savings book can keep it in the future.