The Official State Gazette has published the call for aid to promote the national innovative entrepreneurial ecosystem 2024 with a budget of 5 million euros, through which the Ministry of Industry and Tourism seeks to promote entrepreneurship and innovation, strengthening networks and ecosystems that support them.

The call is funded by Next Generation EU funds within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. It is part of the Program to Promote the Innovative Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, within the Flag Program, which aims to disseminate entrepreneurial culture as a key element of the Spain Entrepreneurial Nation Strategy.

The budget will be distributed in aid with a maximum amount of 200,000 euros. In the previous edition, endowed with 4 million euros, a total of 24 events were financed.

As a novelty, this year’s selection will give priority to events that promote rural entrepreneurship and industrial entrepreneurship.

The selection criteria will also assess issues such as the scope of action, the experience and accredited age of the event, its impact on the ecosystem, collaboration with public and private entities or sustainability.

It will also take into account the capacity and experience of the applicant entity, as well as its socioeconomic and environmental impact.