The application submission period will begin next June 17

The Official State Gazette (BOE) has made public this Friday the line of batteries of the Strategic Project for the Recovery and Economic Transformation of the Battery Electric Vehicle (Perte VEC III), endowed with 300 million, with which the Government seeks to accelerate the financing and transformation of Spanish mobility.

In general terms, the third call of the Perte VEC III is endowed with 500 million euros, 300 million (200 million in subsidies and 100 million in loans) destined for a line of batteries for electric vehicles and 200 million for the chain section of value.

This call has updated its wording with respect to the call for aid from ‘section A’ of Perte VEC II of 2023 “in order to improve its application and development”, as detailed by the department led by Jordi Hereu.

Specifically, it is established as a novelty that the minimum financeable budget for projects included in ‘section A’ must be 10 million euros.

The submission period will begin on June 17 at 10:00 a.m. and will end on July 19, 2024 at 2:00 p.m.

The Ministry of Industry and Tourism expects that this new call will be a great boost to the sector and hopes to repeat the success of the first call, in which more than 90% of the funds were allocated.

In the previous financing, this line recognized 509 million euros in subsidies and 100 million in credits for more than twenty projects, including the plant for the assembly of Ford electric vehicle batteries in Almussafes (Valencia), although the company has waived these subsidies.

Today, Spain is the second European country among automotive manufacturers. The automobile sector accounts for close to 10% of GDP and 9% of employment for the national economy, with 87% of production dedicated to export, and is also the second European country in terms of automobile production.

However, this data contrasts with the nineteenth place (of the 27 European countries) that Spain occupied in 2023 in terms of percentage of electric vehicle registrations.

Spain has set itself the goal of being a leader in electromobility and to that end, it set objectives regarding the number of electric vehicles, just over 5.5 million in 2030, according to the latest review of the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan ( PNIEC).


When the award of aid from the Perte VEC II value chain ends, a new call for this line within Perte VEC III will be launched, endowed with 200 million euros (100 million in grants and 100 million in loans) under the same conditions. investment than the current one, so all interested SMEs will be able to present their projects.

In total, the third edition of the Perte for electric and connected vehicles will have 500 million euros, as announced by the Minister of Industry and Tourism, Jordi Hereu.

Finally, there will be a fourth call for Perte VEC in the second half of the year, endowed with 1,000 million euros in loans and 250 million in subsidies.


With the plans on the table, since this Friday Stellantis has the challenge of obtaining public funds to give economic viability to the ‘Antares’ project, the battery gigafactory that the company wants to build in the Figueruelas plant in Zaragoza, which has already received 55.9 million euros in the second call of the Perte VEC.

On the other hand, and as confirmed on Thursday by the Minister of Industry, Jordi Hereu, next week the process of analyzing the proposals for line one of the Strategic Project for the Recovery and Economic Transformation (Perte) of Industrial Decarbonization will begin, endowed , in this case, with 1,000 million euros, 500 million in subsidies and another 500 million in loans to decarbonize the industry.