The Official State Gazette (BOE) publishes this Wednesday the Royal Decree by which the minimum interprofessional wage (SMI) rises this year by 8%, up to 1,080 euros per month in 14 payments, with retroactive effects from January 1, 2023.

This increase was agreed by the Government, CCOO and UGT on January 31, with the rejection of the CEOE and Cepyme employers, who did not attend any of the two meetings that were called to address the amount of this minimum income.

With the increase of 8%, approved yesterday by the Council of Ministers, the SMI will be situated, with effect from January 1 of this year, at 15,120 euros per year, 1,080 euros per month and 36 euros per day.

In the case of casual and seasonal workers whose services to the same company do not exceed 120 days, the amount of salary may not be less than 51.15 euros per legal working day.

For household employees who work by the hour, the hour worked will be paid in 2023 at 8.45 euros, the result of including all remuneration items, extraordinary bonuses, breaks and vacations.

According to calculations by the Ministry of Labor, the rise in the SMI will affect some 2.5 million workers not covered by collective bargaining and will mainly benefit young people and women.

The 8% rise in the SMI agreed between the Government, CCOO and UGT for this year is the highest since 2019, when this minimum income was revalued by 22.3%. In 2020, the increase was 5.6% and was extended during 2021, until a new increase of 1.6% was approved in September of that year, applicable from the 1st of that month until December 31, 2021. In 2022, the SMI rose 3.6%, to 1,000 euros in 14 payments.