The supervisory body considers that in general terms the contracts comply with the law
The Court of Accounts has asked the National Institute of Social Security for greater precision in the criteria for awarding its contracts, since the body considers that “excessively generic” formulas are used.
The body has audited the contracts for works, services and supplies entered into by Social Security in the 2021 financial year and this lack of detail when awarding the contracts has been revealed in its report, which has been accessed by Europa Press.
Specifically, of the 393 contracts formalized by the National Social Security Institute in 2021, a total of 66 have been audited, representing 70% of the award amount, with almost 24.5 million euros. Due to their volume and economic relevance, the Court says, the surveillance and security, cleaning and building maintenance contracts stand out.
All the specifications have included some type of objective criteria for awarding or special execution conditions of a social and/or environmental nature. The Court of Auditors points out that the inclusion of this type of considerations constitutes a good management practice, although in 49 files their link with the objective of the contracts has not been reflected in order to achieve the efficiency of their fulfillment.
On the other hand, the agency has indicated that in two cases delays of 5.5 months and 10 months have been detected, which have delayed the completion of the works with respect to the initially planned execution periods. In one case, the Institute applied economic penalties to the winning company for an amount of 14,708.40 euros for failure to comply with the established term.
With all this, the Court has also recommended better specifying the special conditions of execution and not dividing the object of the contract into lots. Of course, despite the warnings, the body considers that, in general terms, Social Security was adjusted, in general, to legality.
After these warnings, the Court recommends that the Social Security Institute “duly” justify in the contracting files the reasons that support the decision not to divide the object of the contracts into lots. In this context, it urges to justify “in a concrete way” in the files the justification of the objective award criteria used, as well as the weighting assigned to each one of them.
Finally, the supervisory body considers that Social Security has to promote measures to improve the design and justification of the objective award criteria. Also of the special conditions of execution, incorporating the application of specific measures of a social, labor or environmental nature, relating them to the object of the contracts and establishing sufficient monitoring indicators that allow adequately verifying the effectiveness of their compliance.