The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 0.9% in February in relation to the previous month and raised its interannual rate by one tenth, up to 6%, due to the increase in the cost of electricity, tourist packages and food , which shot up their prices by 16.6% compared to February 2022, according to the final data published this Tuesday by the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

The final interannual inflation for February is one tenth lower than the one advanced at the end of last month, when the INE pointed to a rate of 6.1%, while the monthly rise was finally nine tenths, compared to the increase of 1% initially estimated.

With the increase registered in the second month of 2023, inflation chains two consecutive months of increases in its interannual rate after the rebound in January, when it increased two tenths, up to 5.9%.

For its part, subjacent inflation (excluding unprocessed food and energy products) increased by one tenth of a point in February, to 7.6%, its highest rate since December 1986. With this figure, one tenth lower than initially estimated by According to the INE, subjacent inflation exceeds the general index by more than 1.5 points.


According to the INE, food prices grew by 16.6% in the interannual rate in February, more than one point above that of the previous month. This behavior was influenced by the increase in the price of legumes and vegetables and meat, as well as the fact that prices for fish and shellfish fell less than last year.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs has highlighted that fresh food became more expensive in February. “Legumes and vegetables, and also fresh fruits, have experienced a timely reduction in supply as a result of unfavorable weather conditions, in Spain and in other EU countries, which has caused an increase in prices due to the increase in international demand,” has pointed.