Why has the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Society of Montreal (SSJB) been so absent from the media for some time?

I’m asking the question. I do not have the answer.

Something is wrong, apparently, with this company founded by Ludger Duvernay almost two centuries ago to defend the national cause, since we no longer hear it!

I will teach you nothing by telling you that, however, it is not the pressure groups that are lacking in Quebec!

There are feminist or post-feminist groups, privileged Anglos who pose as victims, unions of all kinds, “adversary” organizations such as FRAPRU (representing tenants) and CORPIQ (voice of landlords), etc.

If there is a movement of pressure that is missing in the decor, it is that of the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Society of Montreal.

strange silence

In the past, hardly a week went by without hearing the voices of François-Albert Angers, an economist, Yvon Groulx, a notary, Jean-Marie Cossette, an airplane pilot, Nicole Boudreau or of Gilles Rhéaume (who caused a stir at the head of this movement).

At the moment, the president is Marie-Anne Alepin, whom I met and whom I like.

Of Syrian origin, this one demonstrates, by her example, that Quebec nationalism is not just a matter of “pure wools”.

Why then do we no longer hear the SSJB? Weird !


This historic organization, which has evolved with our people, would be more relevant than ever in the age of the “nationalist-chilling” CAQ and the anti-nationalist pseudo-independence of Québec solidaire!

Certain “patriots of the year” of the SSJB such as the historian Gilles Laporte or the very determined Frédéric Bastien would make good “ministers” for the files of History whose knowledge must be spread or for the government of the judges whose expose fanatical biases.

With all these battles to be fought, the silence of the SSJB is truly inexplicable!