The Congress of Deputies begins this week the debate on partial amendments presented by the different parliamentary groups to the General State Budgets for 2023, but it has already been announced that the PSOE intends to stop the discussion of the proposals of its partners from United We Can, ERC and Bildu to regulate rental prices.

After the entire debate in which the attempt by PP, Vox and Ciudadanos to return the project to the Government was rejected, the parliamentary groups registered more than 5,400 partial amendments to the articles of the law and the different budget sections

The table of the Budget Commission, chaired by the deputy of United We Can, Pilar Garrido, will meet this Tuesday to order the debate of all the proposals. From the outset, the lawyers of the Chamber have already advised against including in the agenda the amendments proposed by Podemos, Bildu and ERC to regulate rent and prohibit evictions without a housing alternative, considering that they are unrelated to budgetary matters.

The Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, has already announced that the Socialists will pay attention to the proposal of the legal services and will defend the exclusion of these initiatives, which, in her opinion, should be framed in the discussion of the draft Housing Law that remains blocked in the lower house. The PSOE hopes to obtain the support of the PP, with whom it has a majority at the committee table, to set aside these amendments.

The table will also analyze on Tuesday the veto documents that may have been received by the Government, which has the power to exclude amendments that it considers alter its competence in budgetary matters.

Once the index of amendments has been cleared, the presentation of the budget committee will meet on Thursday behind closed doors to gradually incorporate those amendments that enjoy sufficient parliamentary support.

It is expected that a good part of the amendments registered by the PSOE alone or in the company of its government partners or other parliamentary formations will be incorporated there.

Some relevant proposals at this point are those raised by the PSOE to deploy a line of 1,400 million destined for industrial transition; or the injection of 800 million to the new State Society of Microelectronics and Semiconductors.

It will be the following week when the Budget Committee, already in public session, will discuss and vote on the Government’s project and the opposition’s amendments to approve an opinion that will be discussed in plenary session of Congress the week of November 21.

By that time, the Government must have tied the support of its partners because in plenary, the rejection of the accounts of a ministry, a single budget section, will lead to the demolition of all the Budgets.