Dismal failure, archaic and highly damaging organizational culture, resistance to change, leadership flaws, former Supreme Court Justice Louise Arbor spared no one.

Her conclusions are unequivocal, the Canadian Armed Forces need outside help, oxygen, as she says, to hope to begin to stem the toxic culture of harassment and sexual assault that is in the process of discrediting the institution. .

Think again, the point is not that they haven’t tried in 7 years. They multiplied the committees, the directives, but without introspection. We ticked boxes.

We even launched an operation, Operation Honour. It was the priority! But internally, Operation Honor has received quite a nickname, “Hop on her”, jump on it.

There, everything is said!

Spring cleaning

After years of scandals, the dismissal of two chiefs of staff and many other high-ranking officers, the Minister of National Defense, Anita Anand, had no choice but to promise to respect the letter Louise Arbour’s Horse Remedy.

Already the implementation of a third of the recommendations has been launched, the rest will follow, all under the supervision of an independent expert.

But can we believe it? For once, Anita Anand left out her script.

What changed ? It’s the team, she decides. Read here, new minister, new deputy minister, new chief of staff. We must act now, the future of the Canadian Armed Forces depends on it, concluded the Minister.

The presence of the Prime Minister would certainly have helped to seal the political commitment this time around. He preferred to go to Quebec to talk about gun control. Less risky.

Basically, it doesn’t change anything. The next scandal, his government will no longer be able to wash its hands of it.