The Government gives the Plenary Session of the Economic and Social Council (CES) three months, until August 22, to modify its internal operating regulations in order to include in its composition, within the group of businessmen, “business organizations that enjoy the status of being more representative at the autonomous community level”.

This is stated in one of the provisions of the Royal Decree-Law that reforms the unemployment benefit published this Wednesday in the Official State Gazette (BOE).

The CES is made up of 61 members, including its president. Of them, 20 make up the First Group representing the union organizations; 20 the Second Group, representing business organizations; and 20 the Third Group, three of them corresponding to the agricultural sector, three to the maritime-fishing sector, four to consumers and users and four to the social economy sector. The remaining six are experts in the matters within the Council’s jurisdiction.

Currently, in the First Group, the union group, CCOO, UGT, ELA and CIG are represented, while in the Second Group, the business group, CEOE and Cepyme are currently represented.

However, the Government has introduced in the subsidy decree a modification of the Law that regulates the CES so that within a period of three months starting this Wednesday the organization adapts its internal regulations so that the Second Group can also incorporate the organizations most representative regional businesses.

Likewise, in accordance with the provision included in the subsidy decree, once the CES modifies its regulations, the Government will have three months to appoint, by Royal Decree, the members of the CES “based on the proposals of the organizations that prove the right to be part of it”.

The Executive provides in the subsidy decree that the representatives of the Second Group of the CES will be designated by the business organizations “that have the most representative status” and, in any case, “the business organizations that enjoy the most representative status will be represented.” representative at the autonomous community level.

The entry of autonomous business organizations into the Second Group will foreseeably reduce the number of directors that the CEOE and Cepyme employers’ associations currently have in the CES.

The modification of the CES regulations was not part of the agreement that the unions signed with the Ministry of Labor for the reform of the unemployment benefit, as CCOO stated yesterday in a statement.

In fact, the organization led by Unai Sordo criticized the inclusion of this measure in the Royal Decree-Law on unemployment reform for “not being the appropriate vehicle”, and “especially when the Ministry of Labor has not even previously opened a process of consultation and dialogue with social agents and the institution itself”.