The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has assessed the opinion of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) to increase the catches of the Iberian sardine by 7,000 tons, up to 48,841 for next year.

As highlighted by Minister Luis Planas, this “positive” trend reflects the “magnificent work” carried out by the fishing sector and scientists as well as the “good management” of the Portuguese and Spanish administrations with their coordinated action over the years.

Thus, the ICES has verified with this increase in the quota for the year 2023, the “good condition” of the fishing resource that is managed jointly by Spain and Portugal and, therefore, has allowed this increase compared to the 41,777 initially assigned. by 2023, under the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) approach included in the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).

A statement from the Ministry points out that this opinion confirms the trend of improvement in the fishing resource in recent years and also ensures a “clear consolidation” of the recovery of the Iberian sardine.

Thanks to this Spanish-Portuguese collaboration, the sardine fishery is managed systematically in accordance with management rules validated by this Council as precautionary, and which last year allowed a joint sardine quota of 44,262 tons to be established.

According to Minister Planas, this is a clear example of success in adapted sustainable management, “under the best available scientific advice”, and which takes into account the triple balance of sustainability: biological, social and economic.