The Government contemplates a budget of 4.79 million euros to create the new Independent Authority for the technical investigation of railway, maritime and civil aviation accidents and incidents, according to what is clear from the economic report of the draft law to which it has been able to access Europe Press.

This body will assume and unify the functions of the three commissions that currently exist within the Ministry of Transport to investigate accidents and incidents involving trains, planes and ships.

However, the increase in public spending contemplated by the Government when creating this authority is 1.8 million, by discounting from those 4.79 million the 2.966 million that would be eliminated from the current commissions.

The Government’s intention is for the authority to be self-financing through air safety rates, service provision and activities related to rail safety and navigation aids. Until this happens, a double financing system would be maintained through these taxes and the contributions contemplated in the General State Budget.

The formula, according to the Government, would ultimately mean a reduction of 570,250 euros compared to the current budgets of the current investigation commissions. Regarding the participation in the fees, it is estimated necessary to allocate to the Authority 2.303% of the amount collected for each of the taxes.

The new body will be made up of a council made up of six advisers who come from the three areas that the authority investigates, such as maritime, air and rail, which will be subject to a “strict regime of incompatibilities”.

The members of the council will be appointed at the proposal of the Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda. Two of the directors must be experts in the maritime sector, two in the air sector and another two in the rail sector. The appointment of the president must have the approval of the competent Commission of the Congress of Deputies. In the case of councilors, said Parliamentary Commission will have veto power.